Change Javascript code to resized video tag


Viewed 125 times


At this link i have a test page where the video on the screen is resized as the select.

I need that when loading the page come loaded the function of select Transform selection, but as I do not need select, only from Transform function, I tried to modify and I could not get the result I wanted.


var $player = $('#player');
var player = $player.get(0);
var $parent = $player.parent();
var $win = $(window);
var resizeTimeout = null;
var shouldResize = false;
var shouldPosition = false;
var videoRatio = 16 / 9;

player.volume = 0; // mute

var resize = function() {
  if (!shouldResize) { return; }

  var height = $parent.height();
  var width = $parent.width();
  var viewportRatio = width / height;
  var scale = 1;

  if (videoRatio < viewportRatio) {
    // viewport more widescreen than video aspect ratio
    scale = viewportRatio / videoRatio;
  } else if (viewportRatio < videoRatio) {
    // viewport more square than video aspect ratio
    scale = videoRatio / viewportRatio;

  var offset = positionVideo(scale, width, height);
  setVideoTransform(scale, offset);

var setVideoTransform = function(scale, offset) {
  offset = $.extend({ x: 0, y: 0 }, offset);
  var transform = 'translate(' + Math.round(offset.x) + 'px,' + Math.round(offset.y) + 'px) scale(' + scale  + ')';
    '-webkit-transform': transform,
    'transform': transform

// accounts for transform origins on scaled video
var positionVideo = function(scale, width, height) {
  if (!shouldPosition) { return false; }

  var x = parseInt($'origin-x'), 10);
  var y = parseInt($'origin-y'), 10);
  setVideoOrigin(x, y);

  var viewportRatio = width / height;
  var scaledHeight = scale * height;
  var scaledWidth = scale * width;
  var percentFromX = (x - 50) / 100;
  var percentFromY = (y - 50) / 100;
  var offset = {};

  if (videoRatio < viewportRatio) {
    offset.x = (scaledWidth - width) * percentFromX;
  } else if (viewportRatio < videoRatio) {
    offset.y = (scaledHeight - height) * percentFromY;

  return offset;

var setVideoOrigin = function(x, y) {
  var origin = x + '% ' + y + '%';
    '-webkit-transform-origin': origin,
    'transform-origin': origin

$win.on('resize', function() {
  resizeTimeout = setTimeout(resize, 100);

$('#select').on('change', function(e) {
  var selected = $(this).children(':selected');
  var value = selected.val();
  player.setAttribute('style', '');
  switch (value) {
    case 'transform':
      shouldResize = true;
      shouldPosition = false;

    case 'transform-origin':
      shouldResize = true;
      shouldPosition = true;

      shouldResize = false;
      shouldPosition = false;
  player.setAttribute('class', value);
  • I’m seeing your question a little late, but in the past link there is no select any. You managed to solve your problem?

  • Did you find a solution? Poste as an answer to help other people.

  • 4

    This question seems to be discounted because the link presented does not show the problem, nor is there explanation of what the problem with the published code.

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