I was doing a job, and I ran into some problems. This code has a limitation: Whenever the player selects some number that has been selected before the code does not invalidate and is considered as an attempt. He wanted a help to refine the code and whenever the player gives a kick that he has already given previously, the program should refuse him and send a message informing the player about this situation and asking him to try another kick. Obviously, this double kick should not be counted as one of the 10 attempts the player is entitled to. I thought about creating an array of 10 elements but I got caught up in how to run
# apresente jogo ao usuário
print('Você tem 10 chances de acertar o número que eu estou pensando.')
print('Trata-se de um valor entre 1 e 100. Então, vamos lá!')
# gere número-alvo entre 1 e 100
from random import randint
alvo = randint(1, 100)
# inicialize indicador de acerto
acertou = False
# repita 10 vezes:
contador = 0
while contador <= 10:
# obtenha palpite do usuário
while True:
palpite = int(input('Entre o seu palpite: ')
if palpite < 1 or palpite > 100:
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
print('Palpite inválido. Tente outra vez!')
contador = contador + 1
# se palpite atingiu o alvo:
if palpite == alvo:
# atualize indicador de acerto
acertou = True
# encerre o jogo
# senão:
# comunique erro ao usuário
print('Errou! Tente novamente.\n' \
'Você ainda tem ', 10-contador, ' tentativa(s).')
# encerre o jogo
if acertou: # comunique sucesso ao usuário
print('Parabéns!\n' \
'Você acertou o número após ', contador, ' tentativa(s).')
# comunique fracasso ao usuário
print('Infelizmente, você fracassou.\n', \
'O número pensado era: ', alvo, ' \n', \
'Quem sabe a próxima vez!')
print('Até breve') # emita saudação final
Poooo thanks, took my doubt I did otherwise but now I have another problem. I want to give clues and tips to the user. I created two states one: hot and two: cold. Whenever the state 1 and 2 are equal, the program must send a message informing the player that the state of his kick is still the same, but that he gave a heated or a cold guess in relation to the previous guess. And I wanted to create 3 more states for the guess: Boiling (FV), Warm (MN) and Freezing (CG), following this order: FV -MQ -QT -MO -FR -MF -CG. The code does not error, massssss does not provide these hints.
– Renato Silva
@Renatosilva this seems to be problem for another question already
– Woss
I’ll ask you another question and I’ll put the code so thank you very much for your help.
– Renato Silva
@Renatosilva if the answer was useful to you, seek to vote and accept it; see how to do in How and why to accept an answer?
– Woss