E-mail with Sendgrid and ASP 3


Viewed 85 times


How do I send email with Sendgrid using ASP 3?

Use the component Persits.Mailsender Asp 3 to send emails. Localhost works normally, but when I put the sendgrid smtp does not go, it gives error:

Persits.MailSender. 4 error '800a0017' The password is Too long.

By Ndblaster the same account, with user and password sends corrective using Sendgrid.

Mailer.Host = "smtp.sendgrid.net"
Mailer.Username = "usuario"
Mailer.Password = "senha"
  • I never used the SendGrid, if it is not mandatory to use it, in this link I put an example of how to send an email with asp clássico : https://answall.com/a/260824/88202

  • @Caiqueromero sorry, I forgot this important detail. Persits.MailSender. 4 error '800a0017' The password is Too long.

  • @Caiqueromero password too long, but is the password provided by sedgrid.

  • By the description of the error, the string of the password field is very large, you have checked if the password is correct and if there is a maximum limit on account of Sendgrid?

  • @Caiqueromero I did a lot of research on Goggle this information, there’s nothing. No, the account data is correct, in Sendblaster send with the same data correctly. I use Persits.Mailsender much simpler, I’ve been using it for a long time.

  • The solution would be to edit the password in Sendgrid, it would be simple if it had this option. Rs

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