SQL Error: Can’t reopen table


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I have a problem when performing an SQL using a temporary table. I need to bring the data da ultima alteração where the opportunity has been changed.

However, this date comes from several tables for the same opportunity. An opportunity is the header of a request, below it there are other tables that are actions that the opportunity suffered, so that’s the tables:

  • opportunity
  • expediency
  • opportunity_proposal
  • [...]

I searched the data of all tables and brought the date of the last change (alteracao_timestamp) of the opportunities.

Example of the records:

oportunidade_id | alteracao_timestamp | tela
3024            | 2015-07-03 00:00:00 | oportunidade
3024            | 2018-02-15 16:18:02 | oportunidade_acao
10930           | 2017-01-05 00:00:00 | oportunidade
10930           | 2018-02-15 16:25:08 | oportunidade_acao
16104           | 2017-05-10 00:00:00 | oportunidade
16104           | 2017-10-03 11:06:00 | oportunidade_acao
16104           | 2017-05-10 00:00:00 | oportunidade_proposta
16104           | 2017-05-26 11:51:00 | oportunidade_compromisso

In this example it is possible to verify that the last change of all opportunities is from the table expediency.

Now transferring it to SQL:

from alteracoes_oportunidades a
inner join ( 
   select oportunidade_id, max(alteracao_timestamp) ultima_alteracao
     from alteracoes_oportunidades
    group by oportunidade_id
) b on b.ultima_alteracao = a.alteracao_timestamp 
   and a.oportunidade_id = b.oportunidade_id

Being alteracoes_oportunidades a temporary table, is generating the error:

SQL Error (1137): Can’t reopen table: 'a'

I found in the mysql documentation that it is not possible to use more than 1x a temporary table in an SQL. Otherwise SQL above would solve my problem.

So I had to rewrite SQL to:

select a.oportunidade_id, a.tela, max(a.alteracao_timestamp) as alteracao_timestamp
from alteracoes_oportunidades a
group by a.oportunidade_id

But this returns the incorrect information, is returning me:

oportunidade_id | tela         | alteracao_timestamp
3024            | oportunidade | 2018-02-15 16:18:02
10930           | oportunidade | 2018-02-15 16:25:08
16104           | oportunidade | 2017-10-03 11:06:00

What I need is for you to return me to date of change and on which screen was the change. Then the result should be:

oportunidade_id | tela              | alteracao_timestamp
3024            | oportunidade_acao | 2018-02-15 16:18:02
10930           | oportunidade_acao | 2018-02-15 16:25:08
16104           | oportunidade_acao | 2017-10-03 11:06:00

What would be the correct way to perform SQL using the temporary table?

2 answers


From the MySQL 8.0 you can use the clause WITH instead of the temporary table:

WITH alteracoes_oportunidades AS (
  -- SELECT que reunirá o conteúdo da, até então, tabela temporária
  FROM alteracoes_oportunidades a
   SELECT a1.oportunidade_id,
          MAX(a1.alteracao_timestamp) AS ultima_alteracao
     FROM alteracoes_oportunidades a1
    GROUP BY a1.oportunidade_id
) b ON b.ultima_alteracao = a.alteracao_timestamp
   AND a.oportunidade_id = b.oportunidade_id;

See working on DB Fiddle.

WITH Syntax (Common Table Expressions)

A common table Expression (CTE) is a named Temporary result set that exists Within the Scope of a single statement and that can be referred to later Within that statement, possibly Multiple times.

In free translation:

A common table expression (CTE) is a set of named temporary results that exists within the scope of a single instruction and that can be mentioned later in that instruction, possibly several times.


I do not know if you could meet other situations you have (you would have to know the other tables), but for this case in a very simple way you could use:

Select a.oportunidade_id, a.tela, a.alteracao_timestamp
from alteracoes_oportunidades a
ORDER by alteracao_timestamp desc LIMIT 1

I only ordered the table so that the HIGHEST date occupied the first row and later, I limited the result to display a single row ( the first )


  • The only problem with this solution is that it will have to use the where, so he can’t make a list of all the opportunities.

  • Roberto, why would I have to use Where? I don’t understand

  • In that case he will bring every opportunity, will take the last independent action of opportunity. I’m not saying your answer doesn’t answer the question, but it has that limitation.

  • I only ask because I was in doubt friend thanks for the remark. I did not mention Where, because in the question, 'What I need is to give me back the longest date and which screen was' there is no condition restriction. But Voce is correct if you need to check a specific screen, if you need to use Where

  • I really forgot to put in the question that are several opportunities, I changed the question adding this detail. Your SQL is correct, but would need to make a change to suit all opportunities.

  • You can add an example with various opportunities?

  • Added as requested.

  • I did not understand so friend sorry, the result of the query I posted will always bring 1 line and this line containing the screen and the date of the modification, this being the most recent modification date. This query keeps working for the example Voce presented. I mounted a sqlFiddle to Voce look, edited the answer

  • Is that your SQL returns me only 1 record. In question I put the expected result ( in part: Then the result should be ). To illustrate: Take the link you posted, and change the SQL to my of the question that is in the part Agora transferindo isso para o SQL, see the result, and will return what I need. However, alteracoes_oportunidades is a temporary table and with this I cannot perform my SQL because it generates error (Can't reopen table), that mistake is doc. from Mysql that I need to get around

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