PLSQL shows error: PLS-00487: Invalid reference to Variabel


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I have a PLSQL code: in which I receive two values one numerical and another varchar.


create or replace FUNCTION hospitalTeste123(MatriculaMedico in number,  nomeSchema in varchar2 ) return varchar is

  type Tmedicos is record( 
    matMedico     nomeSchema.Tmedico.matricula%type, 
    especialidade nomeSchema.Tmedico.especialidade%type,
    cd_setor      nomeSchema.Tmedico.cd_setor%type

medico Tmedicos;


  medico.matMedico       := 123;
  medico.especialidade   := 'geral';
  medico.cd_setor        := 'urgencia';

 RETURN medico.MatMedico;

Script for Creating Tables

 create table TMedico(
  matMedico     number(10) NOT NULL,
  especialidade varchar2(50) NOT NULL,
  cd_setor      varchar2(50) NOT NULL

insert into TMedico(matMedico,especialidade,cd_setor) Values (120,'clinico-geral','UTI');
insert into TMedico(matMedico,especialidade,cd_setor) Values (150,'cardiologista','UTI');
insert into TMedico(matMedico,especialidade,cd_setor) Values (180,'pediatria','UTI');

Error message:

PLS-00487: Invalid reference to Variabel 'chemName'

Error(3,3): PL/SQL: Item Ignored Error(4,19): PLS-00487: Invalid Reference to variable 'SCHEMNAME' Error(13,3): PL/SQL: Statement Ignored Error(13,10): PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this Expression is incomplete or malformed Error(14,3): PL/SQL: Statement Ignored Error(14,10): PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this Expression is incomplete or malformed Error(15,3): PL/SQL: Statement Ignored Error(15,10): PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this Expression is incomplete or malformed Error(17,2): PL/SQL: Statement Ignored Error(17,16): PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this Expression is incomplete or malformed

The error is when I pass the name of the schema in which the table is saved. Like every hospital has a different Schema.

Screenshot of the table with Schema inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Calling the function



Error message:

Bug report - ORA-06550: row 4, column 24: PLS-00905: Object DBAMV.HOSPITALTESTE123 is invalid ORA-06550: row 4, column 3: PL/SQL: Statement Ignored 06550. 00000 - "line %s, column %s: n%s" *Cause: Usually a PL/SQL Compilation error. *Action:

  • The reference you are using to make this type, is it a valid table? Try to take the name of the schema and declare Tmedico.matricula%type

  • Another thing, came to check if you have Grant in these tables?

  • This valid. The point is that there is a schema for each hospital

  • I do have permission to record in the tables

  • The big question is to make this Generic process

  • As each hospital has a schema and step it by reference, so each doctor can be registered in a different hospital

  • I get it. The call would be correct, I think it’s something in releasing the schema access to the table

  • There is no OWNER named Schema on the server. There is?

  • The table exists. I posted the photo with her schema

  • It is not possible to do this implementation by passing the Owner parameter in a varchar2, as oracle cannot guarantee that there will be these table definitions coming from a string, so it cannot compile. What you can do is create a global type on a User that all other users would have access Grant and use this type for their function, thus ensuring the necessary structure.

  • Could I give example of this implementation @Confuse ?

  • @alexjosesilva, yes I can, but first get me one more question about the structure you’re working on. I understand you have the same table in each schema, but you want to access this same table in another schema, correct? It would no longer be feasible to have a "Template" schema with the definition of this table (since all need to be equal) and create the function in this same user?

  • A table however with different schemas. Your suggestion is welcome but I can not change the system. I found it like this.

  • @Confound, I await your example.

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1 answer


As mentioned in the comments, since a restructuring of the way of work is not possible, I will propose two solutions, one simpler and less dynamic and another dynamic, but that will be very boring to give maintenance.

1) Create a Type with the same table settings and use it in its function.


create or replace type Tmedicos as Object(
    matMedico     varchar(10),
    especialidade varchar(50),
    cd_setor      varchar(50)

create or replace FUNCTION hospitalTeste123(MatriculaMedico in number,  nomeSchema in varchar2 ) return varchar is

   medico Tmedicos;

  medico := TMedicos('123', 'geral', 'urgencia');

  :Retorno := medico.MatMedico;

It is not the most dynamic solution in the world, but since PL/SQL is a compiled language, you cannot have this dynamism by passing Owner by parameter. This option will be very performative, but any change in the definitions of your table, needed to be replicated in the type.

2) Treat everything with immediate run, passing an output parameter to return the desired result.


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hospitalTeste123(MatriculaMedico in number,  nomeSchema in varchar2 ) return varchar is

  retorno varchar2(10);
  Script CLOB;
  Script := 'Declare' || chr(10) ||
            '  type Tmedicos is record(' || chr(10) ||
            '    matMedico     :USER.Tmedico.MatMedico%type,' || chr(10) ||
            '    especialidade :USER.Tmedico.especialidade%type,' || chr(10) ||
            '    cd_setor      :USER.Tmedico.cd_setor%type' || chr(10) ||
            '  );' || chr(10) ||
            '' || chr(10) ||
            '  medico Tmedicos;' || chr(10) ||
            '' || chr(10) ||
            'begin' || chr(10) ||
            '' || chr(10) ||
            '  medico.matMedico       := 123;' || chr(10) ||
            '  medico.especialidade   := ''geral'';' || chr(10) ||
            '  medico.cd_setor        := ''urgencia'';' || chr(10) ||
            '' || chr(10) ||
            ' :Retorno := medico.MatMedico;' || chr(10) ||
  Script := Replace(Script, ':USER', nomeSchema);

  execute immediate Script
    using out retorno; 

  RETURN retorno;

This option is the most dynamic possible, but it is very difficult to maintain and will be slower, but it would have the dynamism of working with several Owners. An option to improve maintenance would be to create a table that stores the script.

  • Thank you very much. You helped me a lot. I owe you one.

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