User authentication with H2 database in Kotlin Spring Boot Application


Viewed 265 times


Problem: Authenticate user using H2 database in Spring Security

Context: The application is made using Spring, the user class is this

data class Usuario(
        var nome:String = "",
        var login:String = "",
        var senha:String = "",
        @OneToMany(cascade= arrayOf(CascadeType.ALL), mappedBy="usuario")
        var simulacoes:MutableSet<Simulacao> = mutableSetOf(),
        @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
        var id:Int  = 0

Repository of the class :

interface UsuarioRep:JpaRepository<Usuario,Int>{
    fun findByLogin(login:String):Usuario

Configuration of Springsecurity:

class SecurityConfig : WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {

    override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity): Unit {


    fun configAuthentication(auth: AuthenticationManagerBuilder){

I spent a few hours researching and without success, the official documentation is in java and the tutorials are also scarce.

From what I understand I must create a UserDetailsService, but how it can be done in Kotlin?

1 answer


The problem was solved using authentication by JDBC

Queries are provisional while due modifications are not made in the database

fun configAuthentication(auth: AuthenticationManagerBuilder){
            .usersByUsernameQuery("select username , password, 'true' as enabled from USUARIO where username=?")
            .authoritiesByUsernameQuery("select username,role from USUARIO where username=?")

The first one needs to search for the user name parameter (in the case username), the password( defined as password), and the 'enabled' status (in the case provisionally always true).

The second needs to fetch the username and scroll.

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