Program does not appear in the toolbar on startup


Viewed 25 times


Hello, I have the following error: when opening the program, its icon does not appear on Taskbar, and before that did not happen. It happened now!

Here’s the image, when opening the program (Look at Taskbar):

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

And it only appears after clicking on the program (Look at Taskbar):

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

It has nothing to do with the Showintaskbar property as it is already true.

Any solution to the problem? Note: Formborderstyle is on None, this is the theme I wrote. (I’ve had this problem of not appearing on Askbar when starting, using other themes, but this problem just came to me now.)

  • managed to solve your problem?

  • Looks like you figured it out on your own... have you been there? Project: Web version:

  • was nothing related to debug?

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