Save Json to a mysql database


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I don’t know how to process to save one JSON within the database. The whole process is thus:

I am sending from another server through the script below:

 $sql = "SELECT * from mgs_castloang";
 $Ds_Retorno = ibase_query($sql);

$count = 0;
while ($row[$count] = ibase_fetch_assoc($Ds_Retorno)){

$json =  json_encode($row);

$ch = curl_init('');                                                                      
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");                                                                     
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json);                                                                  
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);                                                                      
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(                                                                          
    'Content-Type: application/json',                                                                                
    'Content-Length: ' . strlen($json))                                                                       

$result = curl_exec($ch);

After it runs this process, have the script that is waiting for this JSON:

include_once "conexao.php";

$n                      = $_POST ["NUMERO"];  
$tipo               = $_POST ["TIPO"]; 
$valor               = $_POST ["VALOR"];  
$status              = $_POST ["STATUS"]; 
$venc                 = $_POST ["VENC"];  

//Inserindo no banco
$sql = mysql_query ("INSERT INTO gr_api (NUMERO, TIPO,VALOR,STATUS, VENC  ) 
VALUES ('$n', '$tipo', '$valor', '$status', '$venc')");

Only nothing saved in the database. The connection works perfectly, but I do not know if the JSON not enough in the API or the way to save the data in the database is incorrect.

1 answer


Since you are sending a JSON, it is not possible to capture the values with $_POST. This is only for type requests x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data.

To capture sending JSON, you can use file_get_contents or fgets, for example:



    include_once "conexao.php";

    $json = json_decode( trim(file_get_contents('php://input')) );
  • The file_get_contents('php://input') will retrieve all input data (sent from the request)

  • trim will delete JSON start and end spaces



    include_once "conexao.php";

    $json = json_decode( trim(fgets(STDIN)) );
  • STDIN is a constant that will indicate the path for PHP to read input data (usually php://stdin).

  • fgets will read the contents of this input value.

To capture JSON values (after one of the above steps), it will depend on the JSON structure. You can do:


Or else

foreach($json as $key => $value) {
    echo "{$value}", PHP_EOL;
  • Just for the record, by the code while ($row[$count] = ibase_fetch_assoc($Ds_Retorno)){&#xA; $count++;&#xA;}&#xA;&#xA;$json = json_encode($row); I believe that it will be an array, soon will have to iterate and then inside the foreach yes will catch foreach ($json as $value) { $value->NUMERO } and will be an INSERT per loop, for example.

  • Thanks Galera!! Guilherme, a doubt. Inside the foreach I also have to put the INSERT ?

  • 1

    I think I’m still doing something wrong. Can you help me ? the data doesn’t go to the bank. I need it to be saved in a loop. Because JSON comes with multiple records. From now on I’m very grateful for the help. <? php include_once "connection.php"; $json = json_decode( Trim(file_get_contents('php://input')) ); foreach ($json as $value) { $value->NUMERO; } $sql = mysql_query ("INSERT INTO gr_api (NUMERO, TYPE,VALUE,STATUS, VENC) VALUES ('$value->NUMERO', '$value->TYPE', '$value->VALUE', '$value->STATUS', '$value->VENC')");

  • @Robsonfreitas Give a var_dump($json); to check what data the API is receiving, without knowing the structure of JSON, it becomes difficult.

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