What tools should I use to create an android app


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I’m starting in mobile development that will be done in Java or Kotlin and my question is what tools I can use both in the design part and in the database which are the main technologies ?

  • 1

    Everything is important, for example, even if you have several possible databases, each has its advantage and disadvantage and will be used for different things. But depending on what you want, I suggest that before you focus on native android apps, take a look at the PWA

2 answers



Hello, one of the best tips for you is to initially design your screens with the free software Gravit Design, as it will be able to create absolutely all the screens of your app, because there you find icons for everything, can get very real.


Undoubtedly, the development will be with Android Studio. If it consumes a lot of memory from your PC you can use your own Android phone to emulate your applications.


There are several tools to work with database, but a very good tip I give you is to initially avoid using SQL database for example to store information that is not media (images, video, music and etc). If your app stores only primitive values like integers, floats, Strings etc, you can use Sharepreferences which is extremely easy.

Online storage

The best online storage so far is firebase, with it its possibilities are incredible and very complete, check out.

App example

I created an app using absolutely all the tools described above, check out: App Intercampi


Tools and technologies I currently use:


Android Studio


Android Studio itself moving the xml and design tab, looking at the preview. I’m also trying to use Constraint layout and material design guidelines.

Local Database

Realm and/or Sharedpreferences (Hawk - https://github.com/orhanobut/hawk)

Repositories of Code

Github or Bitbucket

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