Input to create "posts" on news site


Viewed 34 times


I’m making a personal project of news site using Laravel and Mysql.

When a user was going to register a news item, I wanted them to be able to insert paragraphs, bold and other formatting in the same way that is possible when we create a topic in that forum. I don’t even know where to start, someone can help me?

I wanted something very similar to this 'input' to create topic, it can be even simpler.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In my database I created the table 'posts' with the fields: id(pk), category_id(fk), title, content(mediumtext), thumbnail (string linking an img) and user_id(fk of the creator).

  • Have you tried anything? It seems to me wide your doubt of the form it is, if you have already started to elaborate something, edit the question and add, it becomes easier so already having a starting point.

  • Duplicate of

  • You can use this plugin: it is very easy to use and best of all it’s free.

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