What’s the "P3P" heading for?


Viewed 51 times


I recently found a header with the name P3P, I’ve never seen this before and I don’t know what the real impact is on using this header.

I found some information, like this huge documentation, some basic information and that Facebook abandoned this feature.

My point is:

  1. What is the actual use of P3P? It would be intended to inform the user what data would be collected?

  2. P3P is still used? Browsers still support this header or is already considered obsolete?

  3. Is there a replacement or equivalent of P3P?

  • Because I have never seen him before and by the date of the materials, I strongly believe that he is, in fact, obsolete.

  • @Andersoncarloswoss, I believe you are, too. As far as I could find him "born dead," only IE could support it, Mozilla did for a few years. It seems to be used only to allow the use of cookies (and iframes?!) in very old versions of IE, I understand. What is more strange is that until now there has been no "alternative", there is the DNT, but it does not seem to fulfill the same purpose. :\

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