Condition the selection of an ID


Viewed 32 times


I have the following AJAX function:

function exibeUltimaAula(){

  let montaAula = {

    idUsuario: document.querySelector('#id').textContent,
    token: document.querySelector('#token').textContent,
    id: document.querySelector('#ultima-aula').textContent

  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  var variavel = document.querySelector('#token-servico').innerHTML;"POST", "", true);
  xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
  xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + variavel);
  xhr.addEventListener("load", function(){

    if(xhr.status == 200){


      let aula = xhr.responseText;
      aula = JSON.parse(aula);

      let video = "";
      video +=;
      document.querySelector("#video-aula").innerHTML = video;

      let descricao = "";
      descricao += aula.descricao;
      document.querySelector("#aula-descricao").innerHTML = descricao;


    if(xhr.status =500){

  setTimeout(exibeUltimaAula, 1000);

This function inserts an ID in the tag 1 which is:

<p id="ultima-aula"></p>

However, in another system situation, I need this ID to come to me via GET, so I insert this id in the second tag:

Tag 2 <p><?=$aula?></p>

I’m having a conflict about that, I wonder if there’s any place in this ajax where I can make a condition.

The condition would be as follows:

If the ID comes from the URL I use the tag 2, if it does not come from the URL I use the tag 1.

I wonder if there’s a way?

  • I couldn’t see in the code where the function inserts the id as mentioned in the question.

  • id: Document.querySelector('#last-class'). textContent this line, insert this line <p id="last-class"></p>

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