Doubt about Android Studio


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I started to study Java and touch the Android Studio recently. I’m trying to tweak the code (open source) below to be able to put an app on Playstore.

However, when creating the APK the option "build generated Signed apk" does not appear inside the tab Build. Would anyone know why?

When importing the file to Android Studio also appears me this error that I can not solve:

"Gradle 'polar-dashboard-master' project refresh failed" "Could not find com.afollestad:drag-select-recyclerview:0.4.0." 

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  • Does it not appear or appears disabled? You added com.afollestad:drag-select-recyclerview:0.4.0 in the project?

  • The "build generated Signed apk" option does not appear. When I open the file there is no such option within the Build tab. I didn’t add "com.afollestad:drag-select-recyclerview:0.4.0" until I didn’t understand what that message would be. .

  • Add the above library to your Gradle implementation com.afollestad:drag-select-recyclerview:0.4.0 and Sincronize the project.

  • Sorry I have very little experience with Android Studio and I’m having a little trouble finding this library, but I still appreciate the help.

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