Someone already knows how to validate the new vehicle plates? Vehicle plates should start using Mercosur standard 6 months from now
Instead of 3 letters and 4 numbers, as it is today, the new plates will have 4 letters and 3 numbers, and may be scrambled, just like in Europe.
The board can have at least 2 characters starting with letters = MJ1234
However, if only 2 letters are entered, the system will only allow the insertion of 4 numbers, even if the total of the field is 7 characters.
The board can have 3 characters starting with letters = MJL1234
In this case it will allow typing up to 4 characters in numbers, allowing typing of 7 characters.
The card can have 4 characters starting with letters = MJLC123
In this case it will also allow typing of the 7 characters.
The system will not allow you to start typing with numbers, you should lock this typing.
The system will not allow typing of characters other than letters and numbers, examples: */+[%, and even space, should lock this typing.
After inserting a number after the letters, the system will not allow typing of another letter, example: MJ12L8, should lock this typing.