How to activate a user’s email registration?


Viewed 1,080 times


Well, when registering the user has its ACTIVE set to 0, how to send an email with a link so that when clicking this link the user updates the asset to 1.

  • 1

    What’s the mistake? What’s the problem? Try to describe the situation better.

  • Cara Voce didn’t post many details of the problems but I think I know what’s going on. In mysql functions, like mysql_query, it was optional to send or not your connection variable. Already in the mysqli functions, you have to send the connection variable if not from Warning, try to do like this: mysqi_query($sql, $con);

  • Check whether the variable link has the connection, tbm put the part of the code where you call mysqli_insert_id

  • The link variable has the connection.

  • And the code of the Insert?

  • That must be the error then because I have nothing from Insert other than that line, but that’s how it worked before with mysql.

  • If you were able to solve the problem create an answer and explain what you had to do, when you have a problem other than the original question you better add a new one as a reference.

  • All right, I’ll fix it.

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1 answer


I Gero a token and saved it on my user, then I search in the database the user that contains this token, so you recover the user without much work. To generate the token I use the following methods

public function onRegistrationSuccess($user)
    if (null === $user->getConfirmationToken()) {


public function generateToken()
    return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode($this->getRandomNumber()), '+/', '-_'), '=');

private function getRandomNumber()
    return hash('sha256', uniqid(mt_rand(), true), true);

You can use openssl to change the randomNumber method to this one

private function getRandomNumber()
    $nbBytes = 32;

    $bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($nbBytes, $strong);

    if (false !== $bytes && true === $strong) {
        return $bytes;

    throw new \Exception('OpenSSL não produziu um número aleatório seguro.');

  • I do it on the page? $token = generateToken(); and $Numero_aleatorio =getRandomNumber();

  • But then I do the same process of my previous code to send it by email as link?

  • perform the record you generate the token saved it to the user (in a column in the user table) and then send this token to the user’s email as a link ( When the user clicks the link he will be taken to your site, recover it from the bank, searching for the user who has the same token and activate it

  • @Iwannaknow I added another method to explain better

  • Before Exception is a "same"?

  • I got it!!! But with the first getRamdomNumber function (do you have a problem using it?). Does this second one have PDO? You’re making a mistake because of public/private and this.

  • 1

    Sorry, I didn’t take the scope of the method, is that I use this in an OO approach, can remove them. About "" is to pick up the object in a global namespace

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