Hibernate Query with setParameters


Viewed 239 times


Hibernate is ignoring my data from a Map when it is void.

If I’m with setParameter("nome",valor) and the value is null it works, does anyone know how to solve? Follow the code:

public List selectList(String sp, Map params, Class type) {
    List list = new ArrayList();
    try {
        Query query;
        if (type != null) {
            query = session.createSQLQuery(strSelect + sp).addEntity(type).setProperties(params);
            list = query.list();
            return list;
        } else {
            query = session.createSQLQuery(sp).setProperties(params);
            list = query.list();
            return list;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return list;

The mistake:

Grave: org.hibernate.Queryexception: Not all named Parameters have been set: [oCodDep] [Select * From SP_CADDEP_SELECT_11(:oCodDep, :oNomDep, null, null, null)] at org.hibernate.Internal.AbstractQueryImpl.verifyParameters(Abstractqueryimpl.java:401) at org.hibernate.Internal.SQLQueryImpl.verifyParameters(Sqlqueryimpl.java:195)

In this case, the value sp that I am passing as a parameter would be this:

"Select * From SP_CADDEP_SELECT_11(:oCodDep, :oNomDep, null, null, null)"

I have the option of not passing the oCodDep nor the oNomdep, but when will null the setProperties is ignoring.

Note: I can not pass with setParameter.

  • Hello, Felipe! I don’t understand it well. When you pass a null value in Map SQL works and the attribute is ignored?

  • When I pass a null value in the map, let’s do the parameter oCodDep , sql does not work pq says q is missing parameter "Not all named Parameters have been set" however when I do not use the setProperties and step parameter by parameter with setParameter it works

  • Which version of Hibernate is using?

  • There are at least two issues related to this. That is, you probably found a bug in Hibernate. The problem is fixed from version 5.1 of Hibernate. I suggest to try a version with the fix and check if it solves your problem.

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