My modal won’t open


Viewed 66 times


The modal is working normally but does not open inside this function, I am very lay in javascript

        $(function($) {
        $('#frmLogin').submit(function() {


            $(this).ajaxSubmit(function(resposta) {

                if (!resposta)
                    window.location.href = '3.php';


            return false;

  • Hello! Error appears in browser console?

  • Uncaught Typeerror: $(...). modal is not a Function at Object.<Anonymous> (2.php:78) at Object.options.Success (jquery.form.js:149) at j (jquery.min.js:2) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js:2) at x (jquery.min.js:4) at Xmlhttprequest.<onymous> (jquery.min.js:4)

  • The function Alert works normal, and the modal function is also working normal but then use : var estavaemp = Function(){ $("#estavaemp"). modal() }

  • The modal function does not work in this place, only the Alert function!

  • could explain a little more what you’re doing? it would also help to put the HTML code being used

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