I have a table in my project where I use the plugin Boostraptable, which has a column with radio button enabled (data-radio="true").
To recover the data from the record marked in the table via javascript use the method $(tabela).bootstrapTable('getSelections')
and get the selected "Row".
However, how do I get the value of the data-index attribute (generated by the plugin itself)?
(need the data-index so that at another time I can mark the radiobutton again)
Strange, I read the documentation of the link there, and I did not find this data-index.
– LeAndrade
The table row index that he always cites in the documentation is saved in an attribute created by the plugin itself called "data-index", in the <tr> tag (some other tags may have this attribute tb). But I already managed to find a solution to my problem, I let down.
– Thalita