Age accountant


Viewed 444 times


Good afternoon guys, all right?

I have an exercise here from the Faculty of Algorithms I, follow the statement below:

Write an algorithm that asks for the age of several people (USE REPEAT). Please report the total number of people under 25 and the total number of people over 50. The program ends when age is negative (Not to be used in counting).

I’ve done the code so far, just the replay. I’m doubtful how to do the age check to inform the totals.

Code to date:

algoritmo "APS05"


            escreva("Idade: ")
      ate (idade<0)


Thanks for your help.


            escreva("Idade: ")

            se (idade>=0) e (idade<25) entao
               contMenos25 <- contMenos25 + 1
            se (idade>50) entao
               contMais50 <- contMais50 + 1

      ate (idade<0)

      escreval("Menores que 25: ", contMenos25)
      escreval("Maiores que 50: ", contMais50)
  • A small fix in your code: don’t forget to test se (idade >= 0 e idade < 25) to prevent it from including negative ages in the count, as stated in the exercise.

  • But I put the ate (idade<0) doesn’t solve this?

  • Does not solve because if you type negative age will enter the if before testing age < 0.

  • Perfect now then. Thanks again for your correction and explanation.

1 answer


You need a variable contadorMenosDe25Anos integer type starting zero and incremented one each time you read an age between 0 and 25 years. Likewise a variable contadorMaisDe50Anos for ages older than 50.

After the repetition just print the value of these variables.

  • It’s almost there. Remember that increments should be done inside the loop and should be in the form contMenos25 = contMenos25 + 1 (which is the same thing as contMenos25++).

  • But I put them inside a if after the repeat? I didn’t understand it well. The variable was created, but I don’t know where I apply it.

  • 1

    Put in a if after the leia(idade).

  • Solved buddy, I will post edit the post with the resolution.

  • Okay, just don’t erase the code from the original question, put the new code under the old. :)

  • Done. I appreciate the patience anyway. As I’m new here in the stack... Should I do something besides post the resolution? Compliment response, something like?

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