Login condition with user or email in the same field


Viewed 1,156 times


I am creating a system for schools, where the teacher when registering enters data such as name, email, user and password. So far the teacher can log in with email, but I wish you could login with the name too(I made changes but this giving error because I do not know how to create the condition).


<form method="post" action="login2.php">

  <div id="pagina">
  <p align="left">Digite seu Email:
  <input type="text" name="login" id="login"  value="" />

  <p>Digite sua senha:
  <input type="password" name="senha" id="senha" />

  <input type="submit" class="tooltip-inner" value="Fazer Login" />
  <div id="erro">
  <?php echo isset($_REQUEST["erro"]) ? $_REQUEST["erro"]: ""?>
  <a href="recuperacao.php">Esqueceu sua senha?</a>
  <p>Não tem uma Conta?<a href="cadastro.php">Criar usuario. </a></p>



include "CONEXAO.php";

 $login= $_REQUEST["login"];
 $senha = $_REQUEST["senha"];

 $sql = "select * from professor where login= :email ou login= :usuario and senha= :senha";

 $result = $conexao->prepare($sql);
 $result ->bindValue(":email", $email);
$result ->bindValue(":usuario", $usuario);
 $result ->bindValue(":senha", $senha);
 $result ->execute();

 $qtde = $result->rowCount();

 if ($qtde ==1)
     $linha = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $_SESSION["cod.professor"] = $linha ["cod.professor"];
     $_SESSION["nome"] = $linha ["nome"];

     header("location: perfil.php");
     header("location: login.php?erro=E-mail ou senha invalidos.");

  • No "or" condition in mysql, switch to "OR"

4 answers


When you have more than one valid condition, you usually use the OR, but you have to be careful with the grouping:

SELECT * FROM professores WHERE (:login=email OR :login=usuario) AND senha= :senha;

Without the parentheses you may have serious problems on one side of the OR validate only by login, without considering password when user is not provided:

SELECT * FROM professores WHERE :login=email OR :login=usuario AND senha= :senha;
--                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^
--                                    | Se isso for verdadeiro, o resto das condições
--                                    | acaba sendo ignorado e a pessoa loga sem senha

There’s a simpler way:

The simplest is to use the IN, And that goes for as many fields as you want:

SELECT * FROM professores WHERE :login IN (email, usuario) AND senha= :senha

Regardless of what was asked, storing password in DB is always a bad idea See more in the following links:

How to make encrypted password queries in the database?

How to hash passwords securely?


In your query try to do this way

$sql = "select * from professor where (login= :email or login= :usuario) and senha= :senha";

There is no condition OU the condition you must use is OR

  • Thanks for the parentheses, it wasn’t working well until you put them on.


First, you must specify which fields in your teacher table correspond to the email and login field. Then the query should be

$sql = "select * from professor where login= :login or email= :login and senha= :senha";

As I’m not very familiar with the : to represent a value, in variable form, would thus be:

$sql = "select * from professor where login='$login' or email='$login' and senha= $'senha'";

The :login or $login must be the condition for searching both fields because you used the variable up there to request input information and stored in this variable:

$login= $_REQUEST["login"];
  • Thanks, I didn’t even realize my mistake. I made the changes when logging in now an error appears on line 12, which would be $result->execute code();


I was able to solve the errors that were the variables in the result, the code was like this:

$login = $_REQUEST["login"];
 $senha = $_REQUEST["senha"];

 $sql = "select * from professores where (email= :login or usuario= :login) and senha= :senha";

 $result = $conexao->prepare($sql);
 $result ->bindValue(":login", $login);
 $result ->bindValue(":senha", $senha);
 $result ->execute();

Thank you

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