Use Opencv in Ubuntu c++


Viewed 58 times


I am using Ubuntu with Opencv to develop a computer vision method, previously used in windows Opencv and put the following configuration in qtCreator to recognize Openccv.

INCLUDEPATH += "C:\OpenCV-QT\install\include"
LIBS += -L"C:\OpenCV-QT\install\x86\mingw\bin" \
    libopencv_core320 \
    libopencv_highgui320 \
    libopencv_videoio320 \
    libopencv_imgcodecs320 \
    libopencv_imgproc320 \
    libopencv_features2d320 \

In Ubuntu I put both in the directory /home/daniel/ as in root(/), how do I put Ubuntu’s path in Qt equal to that of windows?

1 answer


It probably should be because Qt does not find the libraries in this path that you reported, when I installed opencv here, these files were in "/usr/local/lib", try this:use this path for the . so and /usr/local/include/opencv for the . hpp

  • It worked, I had to compile Opencv for Ubuntu, and change the path.

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