How to generate my Postgresql Baseurl (link) that is in Heroku to integrate to my Angular front end?


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My question is: how do I link (baseurl) to which my front-end access the data coming from this database (Postgresql) that is hosted on Heroku?

My Heroku’s Postgresql releases this information:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

As the above img I have host, database and so on, now I need to put some of this information in this part of my code front-end (Service - Service) eventosUrl = '???'; to release the data from the Heroku comic:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';

export class EventoService {

//eventosUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/eventos';
eventosUrl = '???';

constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }

listar() {
  return this.http.get<any[]>(this.eventosUrl);

I don’t know if I need to put something in my file application properties since I locally put this to free access to database via Ajax (requests):


  • Your frontend should not access the database. If your front knows how to access the database, any user can take this information through the browser and hack your database.

  • Look is what I’ve learned, but I can do this integration through the localhost, as per the code above. I don’t know how you have this information that you refer to, but a link, i.e., the baseURL. This layer is of service and is not directly in the viwer HTML who treats this is the framework Angular.

1 answer


creates a configuration file with the following content:

export const API_CONFIG = {
     baseUrl: "",

In each service you import this file and the methods that communicate with the api you put this way:

return this.http.get<Objeto[]>(`${API_CONFIG.baseUrl}/nome-da-rota`);

That way, if you ever change for, you change only in the configuration file and no need to touch nhm service.

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