Calling Jquery function inside a For loop


Viewed 137 times


$("#divOpcoes").fadeOut(500, function () { $(this).text('Opção ' + indiceAtual + ".").fadeIn(500); })

The line above is within a for loop and "indiceAtual" variable is incremented with each loop pass. My problem is: the Function passed to fadeOut is only executed after the whole loop ends, and my result is: for all of the indiceAtual passed passed passes the value of the last passed loop, but the expected result is that each passed by the loop the value is that of indiceAtual at that time.


A little more of my code:

Working without the animation:

            if (nextLabel != null) {
                $("#divOpcoes").find("#lbOpcao" + (indiceAtual + 1)).text('Opção ' + indiceAtual + ".").attr('for', 'Opcao' + indiceAtual).attr('id', 'lbOpcao' + indiceAtual);
                $("#divOpcoes").find("#divOpcao" + (indiceAtual + 1)).attr('id', 'divOpcao' + indiceAtual);
                $("#divOpcoes").find("#Opcao" + (indiceAtual + 1)).attr('id', 'Opcao' + indiceAtual);
                $("#divOpcoes").find("#btn" + (indiceAtual + 1)).prop('onclick', null).off('click').attr('onclick', "excluirOpcao(" + indiceAtual + ")" ).attr('id', 'btn' + indiceAtual);

With animation, but putting all indices equal:

            if (nextLabel != null) {
                $("#divOpcoes").find("#lbOpcao" + (indiceAtual + 1)).fadeOut(500, function () { $(this).text('Opção ' + indiceAtual + ".").fadeIn(500); }).attr('for', 'Opcao' + indiceAtual).attr('id', 'lbOpcao' + indiceAtual);
                $("#divOpcoes").find("#divOpcao" + (indiceAtual + 1)).attr('id', 'divOpcao' + indiceAtual);
                $("#divOpcoes").find("#Opcao" + (indiceAtual + 1)).attr('id', 'Opcao' + indiceAtual);
                $("#divOpcoes").find("#btn" + (indiceAtual + 1)).prop('onclick', null).off('click').attr('onclick', "excluirOpcao(" + indiceAtual + ")" ).attr('id', 'btn' + indiceAtual);

Applying setTimeout (did not work and returned error in the console):

        if (nextLabel != null) {
            setTimeout(function () {
                $("#divOpcoes").find("#lbOpcao" + (indiceAtual + 1)).fadeOut(500, function () { $(this).text('Opção ' + indiceAtual + ".").fadeIn(500); }).attr('for', 'Opcao' + indiceAtual).attr('id', 'lbOpcao' + indiceAtual);
                $("#divOpcoes").find("#divOpcao" + (indiceAtual + 1)).attr('id', 'divOpcao' + indiceAtual);
                $("#divOpcoes").find("#Opcao" + (indiceAtual + 1)).attr('id', 'Opcao' + indiceAtual);
                $("#divOpcoes").find("#btn" + (indiceAtual + 1)).prop('onclick', null).off('click').attr('onclick', "excluirOpcao(" + indiceAtual + ")").attr('id', 'btn' + indiceAtual);
            }, 500+(i*1000));


my entire Function:

function reordenarOpcoes() {
    for (i = 1; i <= $("#idOpcao").val() ; i++) {

        var label = $("#divOpcoes").find("#lbOpcao" + i).val();
        if (label == null) {
            var nextLabel = $("#divOpcoes").find("#lbOpcao" + (i + 1)).val();

            if (nextLabel != null) {
                $("#divOpcoes").find("#lbOpcao" + (i + 1)).text('Opção ' + i + ".").attr('for', 'Opcao' + i).attr('id', 'lbOpcao' + i);  // .fadeOut(500, function () { $(this).text('Opção ' + indiceAtual + ".").fadeIn(500); }).attr('for', 'Opcao' + indiceAtual).attr('id', 'lbOpcao' + indiceAtual);
                $("#divOpcoes").find("#divOpcao" + (i + 1)).attr('id', 'divOpcao' + i);
                $("#divOpcoes").find("#Opcao" + (i + 1)).attr('id', 'Opcao' + i);
                $("#divOpcoes").find("#btn" + (i + 1)).prop('onclick', null).off('click').attr('onclick', "excluirOpcao(" + i + ")").attr('id', 'btn' + i);
  • Already tried using: $("#divOpcoes"). fadeOut(500). delay(500, Function () { $(this). text('Option ' + indiceAtual + "." ). fadein(500); })

  • Place the code in a way that includes the declaration of the indiceAtual and preferably also the tie, to give you a clearer idea of what you’re trying to do

  • @W.Faustino tried to use, but the result was that all texts were fadeOut and no fadein, rs.

  • @Isac indiceAtual is a var = 1, performed an Edit, will it suffice?

1 answer


You will achieve this using a function with setTimeout, where every step in the loop, will set a time of 1 second more (1 second = sum of the fadeOut(500) and fadeIn(500)), that is, in the first pass the delay will be 500ms, in the 2nd of 1500ms, in the 3rd of 2500ms and so on.

Otherwise I think it is not possible because the ties (for, while, each) are asynchronous with its contents and will return the last processed operation.

Using setTimeout, you can create a delay with 1 second intervals that will process the function with the effects fadeOut and fadeIn.


var indiceAtual = 0;
for(var x = 0; x < 10; x++){
         $("#divOpcoes").fadeOut(500, function(){
            $(this).text('Opção ' + (x+1) + ".").fadeIn(500);
      }, 500+(x*1000));
<script src=""></script>
<div id="divOpcoes">Opção 0.</div>

Com while

var indiceAtual = 0;
while(indiceAtual < 10){
         $("#divOpcoes").fadeOut(500, function(){
            $(this).text('Opção ' + (x+1) + ".").fadeIn(500);
      }, 500+(x*1000));
<script src=""></script>
<div id="divOpcoes">Opção 0.</div>

  • I performed an Edit on the question, I tried to apply but I think it got wrong, can help please?

  • I performed the adjustment and it worked, but only for the first item of the list, rs

  • edited the question with the code..

  • The code should look something like this:

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