How to implement Abstract Data Type?


Viewed 227 times


Good evening, I need to do a point TAD implementation, I’m managing to do in Python, but the problem is that it should be implemented in Java and I have no idea how to start.

import math
class Ponto(object):

  def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):

  def igual(self, ponto):
    return self.x == ponto.x and self.y == ponto.y

  def texto(self):
    return '('+str(self.x)+', '+str(self.y)+')'

  def distancia(self, ponto):
    return math.sqrt(d1*d1+d2*d2)

  def translada(self, dx, dy):
  • What do you know about Java? If it’s little, start by studying the language documentation.

  • You can start by that question

1 answer


import java.lang.Math;
class Ponto(){

private int x;
private int y;

public Ponto(int x, int y){
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

public boolean igual(Ponto ponto){
    return this.x == ponto.x && this.y == ponto.y;

public String texto(){
    return (this.x + " " this.y);

public int distancia(Ponto ponto){
    int d1 = this.x - ponto.x;
    int d2 = this.y - ponto.y;
    return Math.sqrt((d1*d1)+(d2*d2));

public void translada(int dx, int dy){
    this.x = this.x+dx;
    thix.y = this.y+dy;


class chamaPonto{
       public static void main(String[] args) {
            Ponto ponto = new Ponto(5,10)
            Ponto ponto2 = new Ponto(10,5)
            ponto.igual(ponto2) //vai retornar false
            ponto.texto() //vai retornar "5 10"
            ponto.distancia(ponto2) //vai retornar a distância entre os pontos
            ponto.translada(5,10) //vai somar 5 ao x e 10 ao y
  • Cool, but giving error : Could not find or load main class Main Exit status 1.

  • I edited the comment. Now you have an example of how to call this main function using another class with the main method.

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