Arrow keys on QT


Viewed 92 times


When we want to use Keyboard arrows in C++ we use the Ncurses or conio. h libraries, depending on the operating system.

But there is a way to do this using the QT libraries ?

  • Yes: "Key Events are sent to the widget with Keyboard input Focus when Keys are pressed or Released." Example here:

  • 1

    conio. h is not C++. It is a very old legacy of MS-DOS

1 answer


Yes, using QKeySequence with QAction for example if you need to fire a SLOT specific, example in MainWindow.h would have the following slot:

private slots:
    void meuEvento();

And in the MainWindow.cpp would have this:

#include <QKeySequence>
#include <QAction>
#include <QDebug>

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)

    QKeySequence seq = QKeySequence(tr("Ctrl+S"));

    QAction *act = new QAction(this);

    QObject::connect(act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(meuEvento()));



void MainWindow::meuEvento()
    qDebug() << "TESTE";

In the example the third parameter is the this of QObject::connect, which refers to the class the slot is in meuEvento, but of course it can point out slots of other objects.

You can use a string with signal + as a separator QKeySequence(tr("Ctrl+S")) or use the constant, example:

QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_S);

More constant:

I also developed a small library for more personal use, but which I share aims to "decrease the code writing a little":

Download at, then extract the part that is important to you, in case the folder that will be used is the:


In it there are 3 files:

  • keysequence.h
  • keysequence.cpp
  • keysequence.pri

Put the folder keysequence within your project and add this to your .pro


So if you want to add an event to Mainwindow, do this:

#include "keysequence.h"

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)

    KeySequence::widget(this, "Ctrl+W", this, SLOT(meuEvento()));

If you go to a specific widget do this:


KeySequence::widget(ui->textField, "Ctrl+W", this, SLOT(meuEvento()));

In the Ctrl+W examples running the event, you can customize this or use QKeySequence::StandardKey

  • 1

    @Bacco and I thinking it was my mess and that I was rusty kkkkkkkkk, it’s been almost a year since I actually work with Qt. Blz, I’ll also do about Qkeyevent! : D Until later

  • 1

    Very good for a change! ) +1

  • I receiving a compliment from @Luizvieira I must be dreaming, it means I’m on the right track! : D thank you so much!

  • 1

    Ah, stop it! If I complimented you, it’s because you deserved it in my opinion. :)

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