Cross two tables and link the line from one to the other, forming a third


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Good afternoon, fellow programmers.

I came across the following problem: I have two tables, one with applicants, and the other with vacancies. I need a query that crosses the two tables, and takes the first available vacancy and gives to the first requester, thus making a third table. I tried to do it in several ways, but every time I try, the result ends up giving me a third table with each requester taking all the vacancies in the table. (Requester 1 picks up all vacancies, then Requester 2 picks up all vacancies again, and so on)

The tables are a little extensive, so I will give only the main information for better understanding:


| id | Solicitante | id vaga  |
| 01 | Joãozinho   |   12345  |
| 02 | Mariazinha  |   12345  |
| 03 | Bruno       |   54321  |
| 04 | Celia       |   54321  |
| 05 | André       |   99999  |


| id  | id vaga |
| 01  |   12345 |
| 02  |   54321 |
| 03  |   99999 |
| 04  |   99999 |

The answer I need is for him to return something like

| Joãozinho   |    12345 |
| Bruno       |    54321 |
| André       |    99999 |

that is, allocate the available vacancies to the first applicants for these vacancies.

At the moment my query is like this:

SELECT C.Nome_Solic, C.Especialidade,P.Nome_Med,P.Data_Consul,P.Hora_Consul
  FROM [DB_PMSP_CONSULTA].[dbo].[Tabela_Solicitante_HSPM] AS C 
 INNER JOIN [DB_PMSP_CONSULTA].[dbo].[Vagas_Disponiveis_HSPM] AS P ON 
C.Especialidade = P.Espec 

Would anyone have any idea how I can do what I need?

  • What is the criterion for assigning vacancy to an applicant (the smallest id first, alphabetical order, other selection criteria...)? And if there are not enough vacancies for all candidates or if there are not enough candidates for all vacancies, what do you expect the result?

  • The criterion of distribution of vacancies is, the first to request are with the available vacancies. If there are not enough vacancies, applicants who did not receive vacancies simply continue on the table waiting for new vacancy entries. If there are no candidates for vacancies, also, the vacancy is in the vacancy table expecting new query with new data. This system will constantly receive new vacancies and vacancies daily.

  • According to their initial table John and Mary are disposing the vacancy 12345, but in its result. Mary took another vacancy (54321), this is correct?

  • I think it was an error in the example only. Ok, but what about each record in Vagas corresponds to the availability of a vacancy only or there may be a record there that could allocate 5 requesters, for example?

  • Caique, it was a mistake in the example, sorry. Diego, there will be several vacancies for each type, and many more applicants per vacancy. (around 2,000 applicants for approximately 500 vacancies)

  • 1

    This type of business rule is usually better implemented in a business rule layer rather than the BD. Note: if you use a wrong example you will end up with a wrong answer, edit your example

  • I already edited the example. , yes, the vacant ID will repeat itself. Vacancy tables will usually come with multiple repeated vague id 200~500 times in sequence. The key is in the first column in both cases

  • 2

    For the result you expect need not even relate table the data are all in the first. I think there is something wrong in the concept.

  • How should I do then? Mind helping me with this?

  • See if the help response.

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2 answers


According to the result you expect it is not necessary to involve a second different table because all the data are contained in the first.

What I did below was get the smallest requester id per vacancy:

Sqlfiddle - Online example:

   MIN(ID) AS IDPrimeiroSolicitante
   , IDVAGA AS VagaPrimeiroSolicitante
   , Solicitante
FROM Solicitantes
  • We did what you suggested. You said all the information is in the first table, but it’s not, actually. We need to know how many available vacancies there are for each different 'vague id', and assign that line p/ that requester, until the vacancy lines run out.


For what you need, first you need to eliminate the duplicity of vacancies of the first table (Requesters) and the second table (Vacancies) and then relate them by id_vaga.

To get the other table columns, re-include the tables (without GROUP BY) and relate by the generated ID.

Would look this way:

SELECT C.Solicitante, D.ID_Vaga FROM 
  (SELECT MIN(ID) AS ID, ID_Vaga FROM Solicitantes GROUP BY ID_Vaga) AS A
  (SELECT MIN(ID) AS ID, ID_Vaga FROM Vagas_Disponiveis GROUP BY ID_Vaga) AS B
  ON A.ID_Vaga = B.ID_Vaga
INNER JOIN Solicitantes C ON A.ID = C.ID
INNER JOIN Vagas_Disponiveis D ON B.ID = D.ID;

See in Sqlfiddle.

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