Refresh a page based on chat information


Viewed 71 times


I have 2 sites, the first one is and the second is

My goal is:
1 - Collect chat alerts
2 - Update the site view constantememte with the alerts collected from the chat.

What I thought to do was to take the data via javascript, make Chrome open in new tab the playing the window in a variable and finally updating the view html.

But I came across the cross-origin, and I can’t get the chat information to the view.

My question is :
1 - How to get the site view to receive information from the chat site.
2 - How to make the view update constantly, without refreshing.

I’m currently running javascript for an extension I created from Chrome.

On the chat site they provide a field to run js in the backend.
I can use this to send data to another site?

  • An option would be to make ajax requests every x time

  • Take a look at websocket and see if your need fits and if it is possible to use with its features.

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