Consultation system


Viewed 55 times


I have this form to consult only for a period of time or only by the client’s name or to consult for a period of time and a specific client:

<form method="POST" action="">
    <strong>Data Início:</strong> <input type="date" name="inicio" placeholder="Data Início">
    <strong>Data Fim:</strong> <input type="date" name="fim" placeholder="Data Fim">
    <strong>Utente:</strong> <input type="text" name="nome" placeholder="Utente">   
    <input type="submit" value="Consultar">


$inicio = $_POST['inicio']; 
$fim = $_POST['fim'];   
$nome= $_POST['nome'];

$result_cursos = "SELECT centrodb.utentes.codigoutente,
centrodb.colaboradores.Nome AS Colaborador,
TimeDiff(TIME_FORMAT(Fim,'%H:%i'), TIME_FORMAT(Inicio,'%H:%i')) AS `Horas Consumidas`

FROM centrodb.registoFisioterapia LEFT OUTER JOIN centrodb.utentes

ON centrodb.utentes.Id = centrodb.registoFisioterapia.utente

LEFT OUTER JOIN colaboradores

ON centrodb.colaboradores.codigo = centrodb.registoFisioterapia.Nome WHERE centrodb.registoFisioterapia.`Data` >= '$inicio' OR centrodb.registoFisioterapia.`Data` <= '$fim' OR centrodb.utentes.nome LIKE '%$nome%'";

$resultado_cursos = mysqli_query($conn, $result_cursos);

$tabela3 .= '<div style="float: center" table align="center">';
$tabela3 .= '<table border="5">';

$tabela3 .= '<tr>';

$tabela3 .='<thead>';

$tabela3 .= '<tr>';

$tabela3 .= '<th>Nº Utente</th>';

$tabela3 .= '<th>Utente</th>';

$tabela3 .= '<th>Valência</th>';

$tabela3 .= '<th>Data Registo</th>';

$tabela3 .= '<th>Data</th>';

$tabela3 .= '<th>Hora Início</th>';

$tabela3 .= '<th>Hora Fim</th>';

$tabela3 .= '<th>Fisioterapeuta</th>';

$tabela3 .= '<th>Horas Consumidas</th>';

$tabela3 .= '</tr>';

$tabela3 .='</thead>'; 

$tabela3 .='<tbody>';

if (empty($resultado_cursos)) {
    echo "Nenhum registro encontrado.";

while ($rows_cursos = mysqli_fetch_array($resultado_cursos)) {
$tabela3 .= '<tr>';

$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['codigoutente'].'</td>';

$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['nome'].'</td>';

$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['descricaovalencia'].'</td>';

$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['DataRegisto'].'</td>';

$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['Data'].'</td>';

$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['Inicio'].'</td>';

$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['Fim'].'</td>';

$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['Colaborador'].'</td>';

$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['Horas Consumidas'].'</td>';

$tabela3 .= '</tr>'; 

$tabela3 .= '</tr>';

$tabela3 .='</tbody>'; 

$tabela3 .= '</table>';

$tabela3 .= '</div>';

echo $tabela3;


When I search only for the start date and end date returns the correct data, but if I search only by the client name or then search by the time interval and client name does not return me the correct data, keeps the data that are initially.

  • no query returns values? nor filling everything?

  • 1

    The query in mysql returns values...this means that there is no problem in the query, but then when I mount the system in php does not work... I intend to filter either just for a period of time, or just by the customer’s name or else do both filters simultaneously. It won’t have anything to do with the where?

  • It has to do with null values ne, when you run the WHERE centrodb.registoFisioterapia.'Data' >= '$inicio', for example, but did not fulfill the date, it does not return anything, because a condition failed

  • Another thing, this field Data, just like in the example I just quoted, it needs quotation marks?

  • 1

    It’s already returning, there was an error in the while, it was while ($rows_cursos = mysql_fetch_array($resultado_cursos)) {, but it has to be like this while ($rows_cursos = mysqli_fetch_array($resultado_cursos)) {. But still I have the problem because I can only filter by date, the filter by the customer name or by the time interval and customer name do not work.

  • 1

    Variable $nome, last OR, was defined where ?

  • 1

    Okay, there was another mistake... I can already filter individually, both by the time interval and by the client’s name, but I still can’t filter both simultaneously, by the time interval and by the client’s name

  • is because if a condition OR for valida, it will already run this query, to have the 3 together would have to be AND, checks if all are filled and creates another sql with AND

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1 answer


Creating the conditioning for the $nome relating to the dates:

$inicio = $_POST['inicio'];
$fim = $_POST['fim'];
$nome = $_POST['nome'];

    $condicao = 'OR';
    $condicao = 'AND';

$result_cursos = "SELECT
centrodb.colaboradores.Nome AS Colaborador,
TimeDiff(TIME_FORMAT(Fim,'%H:%i'), TIME_FORMAT(Inicio,'%H:%i')) AS `Horas Consumidas`

FROM centrodb.registoFisioterapia LEFT OUTER JOIN centrodb.utentes

ON centrodb.utentes.Id = centrodb.registoFisioterapia.utente

LEFT OUTER JOIN colaboradores

ON centrodb.colaboradores.codigo = centrodb.registoFisioterapia.Nome WHERE (centrodb.registoFisioterapia.`Data` >= '$inicio' AND centrodb.registoFisioterapia.`Data` <= '$fim') $condicao centrodb.utentes.nome LIKE '%$nome%'";

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