I have this form to consult only for a period of time or only by the client’s name or to consult for a period of time and a specific client:
<form method="POST" action="">
<strong>Data Início:</strong> <input type="date" name="inicio" placeholder="Data Início">
<strong>Data Fim:</strong> <input type="date" name="fim" placeholder="Data Fim">
<strong>Utente:</strong> <input type="text" name="nome" placeholder="Utente">
<input type="submit" value="Consultar">
$inicio = $_POST['inicio'];
$fim = $_POST['fim'];
$nome= $_POST['nome'];
$result_cursos = "SELECT centrodb.utentes.codigoutente,
centrodb.colaboradores.Nome AS Colaborador,
TimeDiff(TIME_FORMAT(Fim,'%H:%i'), TIME_FORMAT(Inicio,'%H:%i')) AS `Horas Consumidas`
FROM centrodb.registoFisioterapia LEFT OUTER JOIN centrodb.utentes
ON centrodb.utentes.Id = centrodb.registoFisioterapia.utente
LEFT OUTER JOIN colaboradores
ON centrodb.colaboradores.codigo = centrodb.registoFisioterapia.Nome WHERE centrodb.registoFisioterapia.`Data` >= '$inicio' OR centrodb.registoFisioterapia.`Data` <= '$fim' OR centrodb.utentes.nome LIKE '%$nome%'";
$resultado_cursos = mysqli_query($conn, $result_cursos);
$tabela3 .= '<div style="float: center" table align="center">';
$tabela3 .= '<table border="5">';
$tabela3 .= '<tr>';
$tabela3 .='<thead>';
$tabela3 .= '<tr>';
$tabela3 .= '<th>Nº Utente</th>';
$tabela3 .= '<th>Utente</th>';
$tabela3 .= '<th>Valência</th>';
$tabela3 .= '<th>Data Registo</th>';
$tabela3 .= '<th>Data</th>';
$tabela3 .= '<th>Hora Início</th>';
$tabela3 .= '<th>Hora Fim</th>';
$tabela3 .= '<th>Fisioterapeuta</th>';
$tabela3 .= '<th>Horas Consumidas</th>';
$tabela3 .= '</tr>';
$tabela3 .='</thead>';
$tabela3 .='<tbody>';
if (empty($resultado_cursos)) {
echo "Nenhum registro encontrado.";
while ($rows_cursos = mysqli_fetch_array($resultado_cursos)) {
$tabela3 .= '<tr>';
$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['codigoutente'].'</td>';
$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['nome'].'</td>';
$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['descricaovalencia'].'</td>';
$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['DataRegisto'].'</td>';
$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['Data'].'</td>';
$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['Inicio'].'</td>';
$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['Fim'].'</td>';
$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['Colaborador'].'</td>';
$tabela3 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['Horas Consumidas'].'</td>';
$tabela3 .= '</tr>';
$tabela3 .= '</tr>';
$tabela3 .='</tbody>';
$tabela3 .= '</table>';
$tabela3 .= '</div>';
echo $tabela3;
When I search only for the start date and end date returns the correct data, but if I search only by the client name or then search by the time interval and client name does not return me the correct data, keeps the data that are initially.
no query returns values? nor filling everything?
– Wees Smith
The query in mysql returns values...this means that there is no problem in the query, but then when I mount the system in php does not work... I intend to filter either just for a period of time, or just by the customer’s name or else do both filters simultaneously. It won’t have anything to do with the
?– Bruno
It has to do with null values ne, when you run the
WHERE centrodb.registoFisioterapia.'Data' >= '$inicio'
, for example, but did not fulfill the date, it does not return anything, because a condition failed– Wees Smith
Another thing, this field
, just like in the example I just quoted, it needs quotation marks?– Wees Smith
It’s already returning, there was an error in the while, it was
while ($rows_cursos = mysql_fetch_array($resultado_cursos)) {
, but it has to be like thiswhile ($rows_cursos = mysqli_fetch_array($resultado_cursos)) {
. But still I have the problem because I can only filter by date, the filter by the customer name or by the time interval and customer name do not work.– Bruno
, lastOR
, was defined where ?– Wees Smith
Okay, there was another mistake... I can already filter individually, both by the time interval and by the client’s name, but I still can’t filter both simultaneously, by the time interval and by the client’s name
– Bruno
Let’s go continue this discussion in chat.
– Bruno
is because if a condition
for valida, it will already run this query, to have the 3 together would have to beAND
, checks if all are filled and creates another sql withAND
– Wees Smith