Is SQL Express free?


Viewed 534 times


I need a database to use on a Xamarin Forms app for college. I even created in Azure, but the limitation of 32 MB is very large, because I need to store photos too. I searched and saw that has the Express version of SQL, which allows up to 10GB in the database.

Does this information proceed? Any other alternative or article to guide me?

The application has to be Xamarin Forms, but has no database definition to use.

  • The limitation of 10 Gib of the Express edition, as of 2008 R2, is per database. You can use more than 10 Gib as long as you create multiple databases.

1 answer


The information proceeds and does not make the slightest difference where you will use, it is only important that the application can access the database.

But it seems that you want the application to access the database directly, I would avoid this, at least for security reasons.

Unless you’re talking about having the database on mobile, then you should use an Sqlite or something like that, but I don’t think that’s it.

Using a free database does not mean you have free infrastructure.

  • Is 10 GB free? The question of accessing directly refers to using a Web Service?

  • They are, but you’re gonna have to host this somewhere that’s not free. I mean have an application that controls that. Web Service is a possibility, not always the most appropriate.

  • One last beginner question. Can I use my own pc as a server initially? If so, what do I need to do?

  • Power can, but not an expert would do it, a beginner will suffer too much, at least for something in production, for testing, okay.

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