values of a Java list


Viewed 137 times


Guys good night!

I’m writing a code that requires a number to be multiplied by itself 200 times so well, but what I’m not getting is to print 10 values in the same line forming a total of 20 lines per ex:

num = 7

1=7 2=14 3=21.................................................................. 10=70


199=1393......................................................... 200=1400

Below is the code I got so far...

package tabela;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Tabela {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner entrada = new Scanner(;

    int num , resp;

    System.out.println("Digite um número inteiro: ");    
    num = entrada.nextInt();

     for (int cont = 1; cont <=200; cont++ ){
         resp = num * cont;

        if((cont <=10)||(cont <= 200)){ 
        System.out.print( cont + "=" + resp+"\t" );

    }int cont = 0;             

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2 answers


You only need to break the line when your variable cont is divisible by 20. For this you can use the operator Remainder or Modulus represented by the character % which will return the rest of a division. That is, when you do the checking cont % 20 resulting in 0, line break is required:

if (cont % 20 == 0) {

Replacing in your code:

package tabela;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Tabela {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner entrada = new Scanner(;

    int num, resp;

    System.out.println("Digite um número inteiro: ");
    num = entrada.nextInt();

    for (int cont = 1; cont <= 200; cont++) {
      resp = num * cont;

      System.out.print(cont + "=" + resp + "\t");

      // Quebra a linha quando o cont for divisível por 20
      if (cont % 20 == 0) {


If you have a list, you can call the items like this:

ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList <>();

for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) {


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