Take php function and add to another file


Viewed 478 times


I’m having difficulty taking 3 functions that are already written and put in another file, I tried everything and could not.

The code below serves for listing of directories and files, the functions I want to add in other code are to erase files and directories, create directories and upload function.


I could not add the html part by exceeding the character limit, however I will leave the author link to the full code.


class DirectoryListing {
	Evoluted Directory Listing Script - Version 4
	www.evoluted.net / [email protected]

	This script requires a PHP version 5.3 or above (5.6 is the recommended minimum) along with the GD
	library if you wish to use the thumbnail/image preview functionality. For (optional) unzip
	functionality, you'll need the ZipArchive php extension.

	1) Unzip the provided files.
	2) Upload the index.php file to the directory you wish to use the script on
	3) Browse to the directory to see the script in action
	4) Optionally change any of the settings below

	You may edit any of the variables in this section to alter how the directory listing script will
	function. Please read the notes above each variable for details on what they change.

	// The top level directory where this script is located, or alternatively one of it's sub-directories
	public $startDirectory = '.';

	// An optional title to show in the address bar and at the top of your page (set to null to leave blank)
	public $pageTitle = 'Evoluted Directory Listing Script';

	// The URL of this script. Optionally set if your server is unable to detect the paths of files
	public $includeUrl = false;

	// If you've enabled the includeUrl parameter above, enter the full url to the directory the index.php file
	// is located in here, followed by a forward slash.
	public $directoryUrl = 'http://yoursite.com/main-directory-name-here/';

	// Set to true to list all sub-directories and allow them to be browsed
	public $showSubDirectories = true;

	// Set to true to open all file links in a new browser tab
	public $openLinksInNewTab = true;

	// Set to true to show thumbnail previews of any images
	public $showThumbnails = true;

	// Set to true to allow new directories to be created.
	public $enableDirectoryCreation = true;

	// Set to true to allow file uploads (NOTE: you should set a password if you enable this!)
	public $enableUploads = true;

	// Enable multi-file uploads (NOTE: This makes use of javascript libraries hosted by Google so an internet connection is required.)
	public $enableMultiFileUploads = true;

	// Set to true to overwrite files on the server if they have the same name as a file being uploaded
	public $overwriteOnUpload = false;

	// Set to true to enable file deletion options
	public $enableFileDeletion = true;

	// Set to true to enable directory deletion options (only available when the directory is empty)
	public $enableDirectoryDeletion = true;

	// List of all mime types that can be uploaded. Full list of mime types: http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml
	public $allowedUploadMimeTypes = array(
		'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', // MS Word (modern)
		'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', // MS Excel (modern)

	// Set to true to unzip any zip files that are uploaded (note - will overwrite files of the same name!)
	public $enableUnzipping = true;

	// If you've enabled unzipping, you can optionally delete the original zip file after its uploaded by setting this to true.
	public $deleteZipAfterUploading = false;

	// The Evoluted Directory Listing Script uses Bootstrap. By setting this value to true, a nicer theme will be loaded remotely.
	// Setting this to false will make the directory listing script use the default bootstrap style, loaded locally.
	public $enableTheme = true;

	// Set to true to require a password be entered before being able to use the script
	public $passwordProtect = false;

	// The password to require to use this script (only used if $passwordProtect is set to true)
	public $password = 'password';

	// Optional. Allow restricted access only to whitelisted IP addresses
	public $enableIpWhitelist = false;

	// List of IP's to allow access to the script (only used if $enableIpWhitelist is true)
	public $ipWhitelist = array(

	// File extensions to block from showing in the directory listing
	public $ignoredFileExtensions = array(

	// File names to block from showing in the directory listing
	public $ignoredFileNames = array(

	// Directories to block from showing in the directory listing
	public $ignoredDirectories = array(


	// Files that begin with a dot are usually hidden files. Set this to false if you wish to show these hiden files.
	public $ignoreDotFiles = true;

	// Works the same way as $ignoreDotFiles but with directories.
	public $ignoreDotDirectories = true;

	You shouldn't need to edit anything below this line unless you wish to add functionality to the
	script. You should only edit this area if you know what you are doing!
	private $__previewMimeTypes = array(

	private $__currentDirectory = null;

	private $__fileList = array();

	private $__directoryList = array();

	private $__debug = true;

	public $sortBy = 'name';

	public $sortableFields = array(

	private $__sortOrder = 'asc';

	public function __construct() {
		define('DS', '/');

	public function run() {
		if ($this->enableIpWhitelist) {

		$this->__currentDirectory = $this->startDirectory;

		// Sorting
		if (isset($_GET['order']) && in_array($_GET['order'], $this->sortableFields)) {
			$this->sortBy = $_GET['order'];

		if (isset($_GET['sort']) && ($_GET['sort'] == 'asc' || $_GET['sort'] == 'desc')) {
			$this->__sortOrder = $_GET['sort'];

		if (isset($_GET['dir'])) {
			if (isset($_GET['delete']) && $this->enableDirectoryDeletion) {

			$this->__currentDirectory = $_GET['dir'];
			return $this->__display();
		} elseif (isset($_GET['preview'])) {
		} else {
			return $this->__display();

	public function login() {
		$password = filter_var($_POST['password'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

		if ($password === $this->password) {
			$_SESSION['evdir_loggedin'] = true;
		} else {
			$_SESSION['evdir_loginfail'] = true;


	public function upload() {
		$files = $this->__formatUploadArray($_FILES['upload']);

		if ($this->enableUploads) {
			if ($this->enableMultiFileUploads) {
				foreach ($files as $file) {
					$status = $this->__processUpload($file);
			} else {
				$file = $files[0];
				$status = $this->__processUpload($file);

			return $status;
		return false;

	private function __formatUploadArray($files) {
		$fileAry = array();
		$fileCount = count($files['name']);
		$fileKeys = array_keys($files);

		for ($i = 0; $i < $fileCount; $i++) {
			foreach ($fileKeys as $key) {
				$fileAry[$i][$key] = $files[$key][$i];

		return $fileAry;

	private function __processUpload($file) {
		if (isset($_GET['dir'])) {
			$this->__currentDirectory = $_GET['dir'];

		if (! $this->__currentDirectory) {
			$filePath = realpath($this->startDirectory);
		} else {
			$this->__currentDirectory = str_replace('..', '', $this->__currentDirectory);
			$this->__currentDirectory = ltrim($this->__currentDirectory, "/");
			$filePath = realpath($this->__currentDirectory);

		$filePath = $filePath . DS . $file['name'];

		if (! empty($file)) {

			if (! $this->overwriteOnUpload) {
				if (file_exists($filePath)) {
					return 2;

			if (! in_array(mime_content_type($file['tmp_name']), $this->allowedUploadMimeTypes)) {
				return 3;

			move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $filePath);

			if (mime_content_type($filePath) == 'application/zip' && $this->enableUnzipping && class_exists('ZipArchive')) {

				$zip = new ZipArchive;
				$result = $zip->open($filePath);

				if ($this->deleteZipAfterUploading) {
					// Delete the zip file


			return true;

	public function deleteFile() {
		if (isset($_GET['deleteFile'])) {
			$file = $_GET['deleteFile'];

			// Clean file path
			$file = str_replace('..', '', $file);
			$file = ltrim($file, "/");

			// Work out full file path
			$filePath = __DIR__ . $this->__currentDirectory . '/' . $file;

			if (file_exists($filePath) && is_file($filePath)) {
				return unlink($filePath);
			return false;

	public function deleteDirectory() {
		if (isset($_GET['dir'])) {
			$dir = $_GET['dir'];
			// Clean dir path
			$dir = str_replace('..', '', $dir);
			$dir = ltrim($dir, "/");

			// Work out full directory path
			$dirPath = __DIR__ . '/' . $dir;

			if (file_exists($dirPath) && is_dir($dirPath)) {

				$iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
				$files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);

				foreach ($files as $file) {
					if ($file->isDir()) {
					} else {
				return rmdir($dir);
		return false;

	public function createDirectory() {
		if ($this->enableDirectoryCreation) {
			$directoryName = $_POST['directory'];

			// Convert spaces
			$directoryName = str_replace(' ', '_', $directoryName);

			// Clean up formatting
			$directoryName = preg_replace('/[^\w-_]/', '', $directoryName);

			if (isset($_GET['dir'])) {
				$this->__currentDirectory = $_GET['dir'];

			if (! $this->__currentDirectory) {
				$filePath = realpath($this->startDirectory);
			} else {
				$this->__currentDirectory = str_replace('..', '', $this->__currentDirectory);
				$filePath = realpath($this->__currentDirectory);

			$filePath = $filePath . DS . strtolower($directoryName);

			if (file_exists($filePath)) {
				return false;

			return mkdir($filePath, 0755);

		return false;

	public function sortUrl($sort) {

		// Get current URL parts
		$urlParts = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

		$url = '';

		if (isset($urlParts['scheme'])) {
			$url = $urlParts['scheme'] . '://';

		if (isset($urlParts['host'])) {
			$url .= $urlParts['host'];

		if (isset($urlParts['path'])) {
			$url .= $urlParts['path'];

		// Extract query string
		if (isset($urlParts['query'])) {
			$queryString = $urlParts['query'];

			parse_str($queryString, $queryParts);

			// work out if we're already sorting by the current heading
			if (isset($queryParts['order']) && $queryParts['order'] == $sort) {
				// Yes we are, just switch the sort option!
				if (isset($queryParts['sort'])) {
					if ($queryParts['sort'] == 'asc') {
						$queryParts['sort'] = 'desc';
					} else {
						$queryParts['sort'] = 'asc';
			} else {
				$queryParts['order'] = $sort;
				$queryParts['sort'] = 'asc';

			// Now convert back to a string
			$queryString = http_build_query($queryParts);

			$url .= '?' . $queryString;
		} else {
			$order = 'asc';
			if ($sort == $this->sortBy) {
				$order = 'desc';
			$queryString = 'order=' . $sort . '&sort=' . $order;
			$url .= '?' . $queryString;

		return $url;

	public function sortClass($sort) {
		$class = $sort . '_';

		if ($this->sortBy == $sort) {
			if ($this->__sortOrder == 'desc') {
				$class .= 'desc sort_desc';
			} else {
				$class .= 'asc sort_asc';
		} else {
			$class = '';
		return $class;

	private function __ipWhitelistCheck() {
		// Get the users ip
		$userIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

		if (! in_array($userIp, $this->ipWhitelist)) {
			header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
			die('Your IP address (' . $userIp . ') is not authorized to access this file.');

	private function __display() {
		if ($this->__currentDirectory != '.' && !$this->__endsWith($this->__currentDirectory, DS)) {
			$this->__currentDirectory = $this->__currentDirectory . DS;

		return $this->__loadDirectory($this->__currentDirectory);

	private function __loadDirectory($path) {
		$files = $this->__scanDir($path);

		if (! empty($files)) {
			// Strip excludes files, directories and filetypes
			$files = $this->__cleanFileList($files);
			foreach ($files as $file) {
				$filePath = realpath($this->__currentDirectory . DS . $file);

				if ($this->__isDirectory($filePath)) {

					if (! $this->includeUrl) {
						$urlParts = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

						$dirUrl = '';

						if (isset($urlParts['scheme'])) {
							$dirUrl = $urlParts['scheme'] . '://';

						if (isset($urlParts['host'])) {
							$dirUrl .= $urlParts['host'];

						if (isset($urlParts['path'])) {
							$dirUrl .= $urlParts['path'];
					} else {
						$dirUrl = $this->directoryUrl;

					if ($this->__currentDirectory != '' && $this->__currentDirectory != '.') {
						$dirUrl .= '?dir=' . rawurlencode($this->__currentDirectory) . rawurlencode($file);
					} else {
						$dirUrl .= '?dir=' . rawurlencode($file);

					$this->__directoryList[$file] = array(
						'name' => rawurldecode($file),
						'path' => $filePath,
						'type' => 'dir',
						'url' => $dirUrl
				} else {
					$this->__fileList[$file] = $this->__getFileType($filePath, $this->__currentDirectory . DS . $file);

		if (! $this->showSubDirectories) {
			$this->__directoryList = null;

		$data = array(
			'currentPath' => $this->__currentDirectory,
			'directoryTree' => $this->__getDirectoryTree(),
			'files' => $this->__setSorting($this->__fileList),
			'directories' => $this->__directoryList,
			'requirePassword' => $this->passwordProtect,
			'enableUploads' => $this->enableUploads

		return $data;

	private function __setSorting($data) {
		$sortOrder = '';
		$sortBy = '';

		// Sort the files
		if ($this->sortBy == 'name') {
			function compareByName($a, $b) {
				return strnatcasecmp($a['name'], $b['name']);

			usort($data, 'compareByName');
			$this->soryBy = 'name';
		} elseif ($this->sortBy == 'size') {
			function compareBySize($a, $b) {
				return strnatcasecmp($a['size_bytes'], $b['size_bytes']);

			usort($data, 'compareBySize');
			$this->soryBy = 'size';
		} elseif ($this->sortBy == 'modified') {
			function compareByModified($a, $b) {
				return strnatcasecmp($a['modified'], $b['modified']);

			usort($data, 'compareByModified');
			$this->soryBy = 'modified';

		if ($this->__sortOrder == 'desc') {
			$data = array_reverse($data);
		return $data;

	private function __scanDir($dir) {
		// Prevent browsing up the directory path.
		if (strstr($dir, '../')) {
			return false;

		if ($dir == '/') {
			$dir = $this->startDirectory;
			$this->__currentDirectory = $dir;

		$strippedDir = str_replace('/', '', $dir);

		$dir = ltrim($dir, "/");

		// Prevent listing blacklisted directories
		if (in_array($strippedDir, $this->ignoredDirectories)) {
			return false;

		if (! file_exists($dir) || !is_dir($dir)) {
			return false;

		return scandir($dir);

	private function __cleanFileList($files) {
		$this->ignoredDirectories[] = '.';
		$this->ignoredDirectories[] = '..';
		foreach ($files as $key => $file) {

			// Remove unwanted directories
			if ($this->__isDirectory(realpath($file)) && in_array($file, $this->ignoredDirectories)) {

			// Remove dot directories (if enables)
			if ($this->ignoreDotDirectories && substr($file, 0, 1) === '.') {

			// Remove unwanted files
			if (! $this->__isDirectory(realpath($file)) && in_array($file, $this->ignoredFileNames)) {
			// Remove unwanted file extensions
			if (! $this->__isDirectory(realpath($file))) {

				$info = pathinfo(mb_convert_encoding($file, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8'));

				if (isset($info['extension'])) {
					$extension = $info['extension'];

					if (in_array($extension, $this->ignoredFileExtensions)) {

				// If dot files want ignoring, do that next
				if ($this->ignoreDotFiles) {

					if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') {
		return $files;

	private function __isDirectory($file) {
		if ($file == $this->__currentDirectory . DS . '.' || $file == $this->__currentDirectory . DS . '..') {
			return true;
		$file = mb_convert_encoding($file, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8');

		if (filetype($file) == 'dir') {
			return true;

		return false;

	 * __getFileType
	 * Returns the formatted array of file data used for thre directory listing.
	 * @param  string $filePath Full path to the file
	 * @return array   Array of data for the file
	private function __getFileType($filePath, $relativePath = null) {
		$fi = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);

		if (! file_exists($filePath)) {
			return false;

		$type = $fi->file($filePath);

		$filePathInfo = pathinfo($filePath);

		$fileSize = filesize($filePath);

		$fileModified = filemtime($filePath);

		$filePreview = false;

		// Check if the file type supports previews
		if ($this->__supportsPreviews($type) && $this->showThumbnails) {
			$filePreview = true;

		return array(
			'name' => $filePathInfo['basename'],
			'extension' => (isset($filePathInfo['extension']) ? $filePathInfo['extension'] : null),
			'dir' => $filePathInfo['dirname'],
			'path' => $filePath,
			'relativePath' => $relativePath,
			'size' => $this->__formatSize($fileSize),
			'size_bytes' => $fileSize,
			'modified' => $fileModified,
			'type' => 'file',
			'mime' => $type,
			'url' => $this->__getUrl($filePathInfo['basename']),
			'preview' => $filePreview,
			'target' => ($this->openLinksInNewTab ? '_blank' : '_parent')

	private function __supportsPreviews($type) {
		if (in_array($type, $this->__previewMimeTypes)) {
			return true;
		return false;

	 * __getUrl
	 * Returns the url to the file.
	 * @param  string $file filename
	 * @return string   url of the file
	private function __getUrl($file) {
		if (! $this->includeUrl) {
			$dirUrl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

			$urlParts = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

			$dirUrl = '';

			if (isset($urlParts['scheme'])) {
				$dirUrl = $urlParts['scheme'] . '://';

			if (isset($urlParts['host'])) {
				$dirUrl .= $urlParts['host'];

			if (isset($urlParts['path'])) {
				$dirUrl .= $urlParts['path'];
		} else {
			$dirUrl = $this->directoryUrl;

		if ($this->__currentDirectory != '.') {
			$dirUrl = $dirUrl . $this->__currentDirectory;
		return $dirUrl . rawurlencode($file);

	private function __getDirectoryTree() {
		$dirString = $this->__currentDirectory;
		$directoryTree = array();

		$directoryTree['./'] = 'Index';

		if (substr_count($dirString, '/') >= 0) {
			$items = explode("/", $dirString);
			$items = array_filter($items);
			$path = '';
			foreach ($items as $item) {
				if ($item == '.' || $item == '..') {
				$path .= rawurlencode($item) . '/';
				$directoryTree[$path] = $item;

		$directoryTree = array_filter($directoryTree);

		return $directoryTree;

	private function __endsWith($haystack, $needle) {
		return $needle === "" || (($temp = strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)) >= 0 && strpos($haystack, $needle, $temp) !== false);

	private function __generatePreview($filePath) {
		$file = $this->__getFileType($filePath);

		if ($file['mime'] == 'image/jpeg') {
			$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($file['path']);
		} elseif ($file['mime'] == 'image/png') {
			$image = imagecreatefrompng($file['path']);
		} elseif ($file['mime'] == 'image/gif') {
			$image = imagecreatefromgif($file['path']);
		} else {

		$oldX = imageSX($image);
		$oldY = imageSY($image);

		$newW = 250;
		$newH = 250;

		if ($oldX > $oldY) {
			$thumbW = $newW;
			$thumbH = $oldY * ($newH / $oldX);
		if ($oldX < $oldY) {
			$thumbW = $oldX * ($newW / $oldY);
			$thumbH = $newH;
		if ($oldX == $oldY) {
			$thumbW = $newW;
			$thumbH = $newW;

		header('Content-Type: ' . $file['mime']);

		$newImg = ImageCreateTrueColor($thumbW, $thumbH);

		imagecopyresampled($newImg, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumbW, $thumbH, $oldX, $oldY);

		if ($file['mime'] == 'image/jpeg') {
		} elseif ($file['mime'] == 'image/png') {
		} elseif ($file['mime'] == 'image/gif') {

	private function __formatSize($bytes) {
		$units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');

		$bytes = max($bytes, 0);
		$pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024));
		$pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1);

		$bytes /= pow(1024, $pow);

		return round($bytes, 2) . ' ' . $units[$pow];


$listing = new DirectoryListing();

$successMsg = null;
$errorMsg = null;

if (isset($_POST['password'])) {

	if (isset($_SESSION['evdir_loginfail'])) {
		$errorMsg = 'Login Failed! Please check you entered the correct password an try again.';

} elseif (isset($_FILES['upload'])) {
	$uploadStatus = $listing->upload();
	if ($uploadStatus == 1) {
		$successMsg = 'Your file was successfully uploaded!';
	} elseif ($uploadStatus == 2) {
		$errorMsg = 'Your file could not be uploaded. A file with that name already exists.';
	} elseif ($uploadStatus == 3) {
		$errorMsg = 'Your file could not be uploaded as the file type is blocked.';
} elseif (isset($_POST['directory'])) {
	if ($listing->createDirectory()) {
		$successMsg = 'Directory Created!';
	} else {
		$errorMsg = 'There was a problem creating your directory.';
} elseif (isset($_GET['deleteFile']) && $listing->enableFileDeletion) {
	if ($listing->deleteFile()) {
		$successMsg = 'The file was successfully deleted!';
	} else {
		$errorMsg = 'The selected file could not be deleted. Please check your file permissions and try again.';
} elseif (isset($_GET['dir']) && isset($_GET['delete']) && $listing->enableDirectoryDeletion) {
	if ($listing->deleteDirectory()) {
		$successMsg = 'The directory was successfully deleted!';
	} else {
		$errorMsg = 'The selected directory could not be deleted. Please check your file permissions and try again.';

$data = $listing->run();

function pr($data, $die = false) {
	echo '<pre>';
	echo '</pre>';

	if ($die) {

The credits of the creator are in the code itself.

1 answer


You can use:

require "nome/arquivo_funcoes.php";


require_once 'nome/arquivo_funcoes.php';




include_once nome/arquivo_funcoes.php;

And call the function of the other page as if it were on the page, which is actually what happens

In that question the difference between them is explained

  • I thought about it, but the code I’m using is very simple, I use only one file, which would be index.php, if I did that would be 2 files in the folder, unnecessarily :(

  • In my humble opinion, it would be good to leave these functions in a separate file, in addition to keeping more organized, leaves the index file smaller making it easier to maintain since you will only see what can be changed and decreases errors that may arise by unintentionally deleted/renamed a variable. Ideal even, would be to have a unique folder for those files that you take from the internet and will not change, this is the standard used today, library files, frameworks etc stay in a distinct folder that will not need to be constantly pushed on versioning systems or even a drive

  • really gets better, I’m not against your idea, only that I would like to leave only a single file, without having to keep creating libraries. Let’s say I have a folder on my server, inside www, so inside this folder I have several files like file.srt, the idea and just add this index.php file to list the files and if I need to add another one by upload or delete some q already exists. A simple page for a simple thing.

  • from a glance of how this is getting, I am currently using your method, however I would like to leave only one index.php file, without having to have another in the same folder - https://prnt.sc/je6v9i

  • Basically an FTP, but then I didn’t understand you said you want to leave everything in the same file and the question is "Take php function and add to another file", is contradictory

  • i just want to separate these 3 functions that this in this code that I put above, it has several functions, however it has one that uploads to the folder, has one that creates folders and has one that erases the file or folder from the server. This file above does the same thing as the other q I have, but the other one I have is already perfect, I just want to add these functions in it to complement, you remember when you helped me fix that problem with plurals in time_ago? I want to add these functions to that file that we fixed last week.

  • It was contradictory really kkk, I’m not very good at explaining things. My difficulty in doing it alone was because that file is inside a class, never saw that kkkk

  • If the functions are within a class just instantiate the class or remove it

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