How to use jqZoom on a Base64 image?


Viewed 127 times



I have a small application where the user chooses an option from <select> and in that an image is loaded via using .


The jqZoom plugin does not work properly with images because it freezes and can’t move.


I performed tests with an image that was in the application directory using relative path and jqZoom was normal, that is, not an image works.


I would like to know how I should proceed for the plugin to work with or would like to know some other way to get my result that would be a zoom in the image Base64 loaded via XHR on , if you use another zoom plugin, I can also do.

  • 1

    Could you include a short, functional example for us to see the problem occurring and try to help solve it? Thank you!

  • Did you find a solution? Poste as an answer to help other people.

  • unfortunately I did not find any solution :(

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