I’m studying a simulator called Simian (http://pujyam.github.io/simian/), I am basing mainly on this article here: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7408239/
In this article, where one of the authors is the engine developer, it is said that in the main loop of the program it is possible to make it run on the GPU from "event scheduler". I wanted a light on how to fix this...
Here is the main engine loop:
while globalMinLeft < self.endTime:
epoch = globalMinLeft + self.minDelay
self.minSent = self.infTime
while len(self.eventQueue) > 0 and self.eventQueue[0][0] < epoch:
(time, event) = heapq.heappop(self.eventQueue) #Next event
self.now = time #Advance time
#Simulate event
entity = self.entities[event["rx"]][event["rxId"]]
service = getattr(entity, event["name"])
service(event["data"], event["tx"], event["txId"]) #Receive
numEvents = numEvents + 1
if self.size > 1:
globalMinSent = self.MPI.allreduce(self.minSent, self.MPI.MIN) #Synchronize minSent
while True: #Busy wait for incoming messages; synchronize
while self.MPI.iprobe(): #Outer repeat loop needed since per standard, MPI_Iprobe can give false negatives!!
remoteEvent = self.MPI.recvAnySize()
heapq.heappush(self.eventQueue, (remoteEvent["time"], remoteEvent))
minLeft = self.infTime
if len(self.eventQueue) > 0: minLeft = self.eventQueue[0][0]
globalMinLeft = self.MPI.allreduce(minLeft, self.MPI.MIN) #Synchronize minLeft
if globalMinLeft <= globalMinSent: break #Global queue is not ahead in time to global minsent
minLeft = self.infTime
if len(self.eventQueue) > 0: minLeft = self.eventQueue[0][0]
globalMinLeft = min(self.minSent, minLeft)
if self.size > 1:
totalEvents = self.MPI.allreduce(numEvents, self.MPI.SUM)
totalEvents = numEvents
if self.rank == 0:
elapsedTime = timeLib.clock() - startTime
print "SIMULATION COMPLETED IN: " + str(elapsedTime) + " SECONDS"
print "SIMULATED EVENTS: " + str(totalEvents)
print "EVENTS PER SECOND: " + str(totalEvents/elapsedTime)
print "==========================================="
Cnseguir simulate - whatever you want - in the GPU can be complex, and in fact is the theme from the second paper you called. Answering this here would be an equivalent work to redo the paper, and this without having a well specified goal in view.
– jsbueno