How to disable an option when creating it with jquery


Viewed 125 times


vetorAux = ["CARROS","Ferrari","Porshe"];
     $('select').append('<option>' + item + '</option>');
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>



I would like the "CARS" option to be clickable, at least the first time the select loads,

After that first click I would like to disable the "CARS" option. How can it be solved?

  • You want her to be disabled?

2 answers


Holding an event in the first option does not work!

See an example - by clicking Pagina 1 nothing happens! Only if you first click on another option and then click on it.

    function irPara( ) {
    var list = document.forms[0].urlList.value;
    console.log (list);
    <select name="urlList" size="1" onChange="irPara( )" style=" font-family: ; color:#F5F5F5; background-color:navy; font-size:13px">
    <option value="/">Pagina 1</option>
    <option value="">Pagina 2</option>
    <option value="">Pagina 3</option>

So the solution is to put an option in the first position for English see, capisce?

vetorAux = ["CARROS","Ferrari","Porshe"];
     $('select').append('<option value="' + item + '">' + item + '</option>');

$('#mySelect').change(function() {
  $("#mySelect option[value='CARROS']").prop("disabled",true);
<script src=""></script>

<select id="mySelect">

  • @dvd hour of zzzzz, Té more


Just do a check (with if..else or ternary) and then concatenate the value disabled in the option. Following example commented:

vetorAux = ["CARROS","Ferrari","Porshe"];

   * Verifica se o item é o mesmo que CARROS,
   * caso seja, adiciona "disabled" na variável (informando que o item será desabilitado)
   * caso contrário, adiciona um valor vazio.
  let disabled = (item == "CARROS") ? "disabled" : "";

  /* Concatena os valores */
  $('select').append(`<option ${disabled}>${item}</option>`);
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If it’s more than one figure...

vetorAux = ["CARROS","Ferrari","Porshe"];

/* Indica os valores que deverão ser desabilitados */
vetorAuxDisabled = ["CARROS","Ferrari"];


   * Verifica se o item está entre os valores que deverão ser desabiltiados,
   * caso esteja, adiciona "disabled" na variável (informando que o item será desabilitado)
   * caso contrário, adiciona um valor vazio.
  let disabled = (vetorAuxDisabled.indexOf(item) >= 0) ? "disabled" : "";

  /* Concatena os valores */
  $('select').append(`<option ${disabled}>${item}</option>`);
<!DOCTYPE html>
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If you wish to disable only after the event change.

const select = document.querySelector("select")

const vetorAux = ["CARROS","Ferrari","Porshe"]

/* Indica os valores que deverão ser desabilitados */
const vetorAuxDisabled = ["CARROS","Ferrari"];


select.addEventListener("change", el => {

  select.querySelectorAll("option").forEach( item => {
     * Verifica se o item está entre os valores que deverão ser desabiltiados,
     * caso esteja, desabilita
    if (vetorAuxDisabled.indexOf(item.textContent) >= 0) {
      item.setAttribute("disabled", true)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>



  • but in that case disable it from the list, I wish it was still clickable, at least the first time the select click, then after there was a "change" it could disable it for good. Not to mention that would be massante to have to upgrade the vector AuxDisabled, does not have a more dynamic form?

  • @Dr.G I updated the example. It is possible to improve the vetorAuxDisabled. But it will depend on how you receive the data; Business rules etc.

  • 2

    I edited the question based on the AP comment above. I think it’s clear what he wants.

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