Graphic in css or jquery


Viewed 138 times


It is possible, via css, html or jquery to create a chart like this?

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Actually, the problem is making the arrows. If anyone has ever worked on something like this to shed light, I thank you.

  • 1

    Yes, it is possible.


  • Just create a CSS Grid with 3 rows and 3 columns. 2 whole rows with 3 squares, and the last row with 2 squares with 1 circle. Then just connect the arrows from the center point to the margins. It will take a lot of work.

  • Uses Jsplumb is a great solution for Flowcharts, and it is possible to drag elements and add, remove, and change arrows,

1 answer


I created some styles with 5 arrows in different CSS positions using ::before and ::after, that you can use as a base and create the others based on the models and adjust the way you think best for your project.

Follow the example code:

   width: 100px;
   background: #fff;
   padding: 30px;
   border: 1px solid #ddd;
   border-radius: 10px;
   position: relative;
   /*apenas para posicionar*/
   margin: 100px;

   position: absolute;

   left: 50%;

   top: 50%;

.setaup, .setaup-right{
   top: 0;

   bottom: 0;

.setaright, .setaup-right{
   right: 0;

   left: 0;

/*estilos comuns before*/
   content: '';
   position: absolute;
   width: 0;
   height: 0;
   border-style: solid;

/*estilos comuns after*/
   content: '';
   position: absolute;
   background: #000;

/*before: setas; after: barra*/

   border-width: 0 5px 10px 5px;
   border-color: transparent transparent #000000 transparent;
   bottom: 60px;
   margin-left: -5px;

   width: 2px;
   height: 60px;
   top: -60px;
   margin-left: -1px;

   border-width: 10px 5px 0 5px;
   border-color: #000000 transparent transparent transparent;
   top: 60px;
   margin-left: -5px;

   width: 2px;
   height: 60px;
   bottom: -60px;
   margin-left: -1px;

   border-width: 5px 0 5px 10px;
   border-color: transparent transparent transparent #000000;
   left: 60px;
   margin-top: -5px;

   width: 60px;
   height: 2px;
   right: -60px;
   margin-top: -1px;

   border-width: 5px 10px 5px 0;
   border-color: transparent #000000 transparent transparent;
   right: 60px;
   margin-top: -5px;

   width: 60px;
   height: 2px;
   left: -60px;
   margin-top: -1px;

   border-width: 0 10px 10px 0;
   border-color: transparent #000000 transparent transparent;
   left: 35px;
   top: -39px;
   margin-top: -5px;

   width: 60px;
   height: 2px;
   right: -60px;
   top: 2px;
   left: -2px;
   transform: rotate(-45deg);
   transform-origin: left;
<div id="div1">
   <span class="seta setaup meioH"></span>
   <span class="seta setadown meioH"></span>
   <span class="seta setaright meioV"></span>
   <span class="seta setaleft meioV"></span>

   <span class="seta setaup-right"></span>

  • Could you explain how you did the arrowheads? I looked at the code but I didn’t understand it very well

  • There is a pattern, but I took this site Then just adjust the size and color.

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