Break line in link text with &text


Viewed 11,993 times


How to perform a line break after the word inicial

<a> Inicial</a>      

2 answers


Use the character of ascii control %0D (Carriage Return):

<a target="_blank" href=" Inicial%0DNova linha">mensagem</a>

This will make a line break in the position you want.

  • dvd worked, as I would just like the user cursor to be just below without needing to have something after line break, got like this %0D%20 I’ve added a space, unless there’s some other way

  • 1

    Place 2x %0D: &text=Mensagem Inicial%0D%0D

  • @Leocaracciolo I don’t understand.

  • @Leocaracciolo did not understand

  • @dvd That’s right, just put it twice, kkk


The %0D can even work in the text insertion field in Whatsapp WEB, but will not respect.

The correct is the %0A

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