Smallint or int to PK / Primary Key / Primary key?


Viewed 155 times


In languages such as Java, for example, when processing a short int and comparing it with another short int, both are transformed into int. The same occurs in databases like Mysql?

  • What is the relevance? And I don’t know if this happens with Java, have any source? It has consequence?

1 answer


The two types cited are integer, what changes is how much each type supports.

smallint: (2 bytes) -32768 to +32767 (with signal) / 0 to 65535 (without signal)

int: (4 bytes) -2147483648 to +2147483647 (with signal) / 0 to 4294967295 (without signal)

To know which type to use as PK, must be analyzed the amount of information you will have.

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