Assign more than one value to a checkbox


Viewed 191 times


I have a relatively trivial doubt, but I haven’t found the solution anywhere.

When I declare the following tag

 echo '         
                                <td align="center">'.$skill.'</td>
                                    <td><input type="checkbox" class="marcar" id="check" value='.$codigo.' name="check[]"/></td>

I am assigning the code value to the checkbox, is it possible to assign more than one value to the checkbox? for example code , name.

  • That one tag is being written by means of a echo ? If yes put the echo also to make it clearer how it opened and how it is closing

  • I added the entire Echo tag

4 answers


You can make a multidimensional array at the checkbox.

In the former name:

echo '         
    <td align="center">'.$skill.'</td>
        <input type="checkbox" class="marcar" id="check" value='.$codigo.' name="check['.$codigo.']['.$nome.'][]"/>

Or in value, with json_encode

<input type="checkbox" class="marcar" id="check" value='.json_encode([$codigo => $nome]).' name="check['.$codigo.']['.$nome.'][]"/> 
  • I can recover this data through a POST? for example if I do $_POST['check[0] -> code $_POST['check[1] -> name

  • Can for $_POST['check'][0]

  • I’ll test it here

  • It worked man, thank you!


You can concatenate to get the expected result.

I think it will work

<input type="checkbox" class="marcar" id="check" value='.$codigo.$nome.' name="check[]"
  • using this way he still recognizes only the code, not read the second field


You can use the Html5 date attribute to save "extra" date to your checkbox, or enter values delimited by some symbol.


function imprimeValores(){
var el = document.getElementById("teste");

console.log(`O valor da checkbox é ${el.value} A data guardada na checkbox é ${el.getAttribute("data-nome")}`);


function imprimeValores2(){
var el = document.getElementById("teste2");
el = el.value.split("-");
console.log(`O valor da checkbox é ${el[0]} A data guardada na checkbox é ${el[1]}`);

<label for="teste">Clique para ver os valores com data-nome</label><input id="teste" type="checkbox" value="codigo1" data-nome="teste" onclick="imprimeValores()"/>
<label for="teste2">Clique para ver os valores separados por virgula</label><input id="teste2" type="checkbox" value="codigo2-nome2"  onclick="imprimeValores2()"/>

Now it will depend on how you will use this data.

Reference to date-attributes


As yet I can not comment below the comment of gabrielfalieri, i believe that his line of code has a problem in concatenation, which still results in taking only the value of the first field.

<input type="checkbox" class="marcar" id="check" value='.$codigo.$nome.' name="check[]">'.$codigo.$nome;

As an observation of the above code, I do not know if you closed with ">" at the end, if yes, ignore this observation.

I left according to your code not to have to trade much, I believe that only replace the input inside your code for this top, work without problems.


I left at the end of the code after ">" to close the input the field values $codigo and $nome to show that the concatenation is working, I left the same concatenation to appear next to the checkbox in the html page the value of $nome and $codigo:


I believe that now the concatenation of values should work.

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