I need to implement web query to the second route of BB billets, from the page https://www63.bb.com.br/portalbb/boleto/boletos/hc21e,802,3322,10343.bbx.
I must send the CNPJ and the document number, it returns the captcha, that the user needs to type, so send all the data by the form.
But I can’t even read the page https://www63.bb.com.br/portalbb/boleto/boletos/hc21e,802,3322,10343.bbx, the answer I have is:
This Document you requested has Moved temporarily.
And with each access, it generates a different session ID and code. When I try to access this page, it gives the same error.
I’m accessing with Curl, someone has some light?
William, exactly this !!!! It worked perfectly and solved my problem !!! :-)
– Luciana Correia
@Lucianacorreia otimo, please take advantage and mark the answer as correct, if you do not know how to do read this: https://pt.meta.stackoverflow.com/q/1078/3635 - I am grateful!
– Guilherme Nascimento