Disfigured Netbeans


Viewed 126 times


I was doing a college paper on Netbeans. I wanted to make a UML diagram of the project, so I installed a plugin with shows the link that follows. Video tutorial that shows the plugin installation

I couldn’t get the same results as him, so I went through some things randomly, now I can’t edit my codes anymore. Edit window simply does not open.

What I thought was to completely uninstall the program and reboot to get back the original settings.

I use the Ubunto 16.04LTS OS, I used the following commands:

sudo apt-get remove --purge netbeans
sudo apt-get install netbeans

When I opened the program again, it displayed the same behavior. then again I used the commands:

sudo apt-get remove --purge netbeans
sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get install netbeans

Still the same thing.

Print da tela caso ajude

  • This looks good as user setting.

  • do the following: go to your user’s folder with the following command: cd $HOME and search for the Netbeans configuration folder or file: ls -a, close Netbeans, rename or copy to another folder the settings, and start Again and see if you can resolve.

  • That was it, man. THANK YOU. It took a long time to reply, full week. I did what you told me, and after ls -a I gave the command sudo remove -R . netbeans.

  • I’m not able to mark you as the answer that solved the problem. It must be because you commented instead of responding ? If you want, answer the topic to mark your help as solution. Again thank you.

  • is there, answered.

2 answers


Netbeans for windows>>

Install plugin by going to the "tools>>plugins" tab search for "easyUML" and install it..

after installed create a NEW PROJECT >> UML>> UML Diagrams Project"

then right-click the mouse ON THE PROJECT YOU WANT TO CREATE UML and click on "easyUML Create Class Diagram" and select the Diagram project.. this will create a . cdg file extension in the Diagram project with the uml of your project.


This is Netbeans user setup.

Do the following: go to your user’s folder with the following command:
cd $HOME

And search the Netbeans configuration folder or file:

Close Netbeans, rename or copy the settings to another folder, and start Again and see if you can resolve.

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