How to open a cshtml local webview in Xamarin Forms


Viewed 151 times


I have a project in Asp net mvc and another in Xamarin Forms, I need to call in my project Xamarin Forms a Webview Local but the page is as cshtml (Asp net)

  • You cannot open the View directly, you will need to indicate the URL to of the action on the mvc site

1 answer


It’s not gonna happen. cshtml is a project file extension that needs to be compiled, published on an server so that at the time of the web request is processed and only then the HTML page is delivered to the client (in your case the webview).

At best what you’ll achieve is browsing html content based on files within the application itself, but it’s hard to say whether it would suit you only with the information that has been provided so far.

  • I understand, I’m using html now, but I’m having trouble calling the local webview in each application using Dependency as suggested in the microsoft documentation


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  • @Viniciusdantas, beauty. Open up another question about the new mistake you’re facing, since this is outside the scope of this thread here. We’ll see if we can help you from there. It’s hard to do it without seeing the code you’re using.

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