Error saving Trichedit Delphi content in Postgressql


Viewed 56 times


I have to record formatted texts in the Postgresql database, when I load the Richedit shows the normal text, but when saved and I will look in the database the characters so:


In the database I use UTF-8 and in the LATIN1 client, everything works normal except Richedit

I am without parameter to solve this problem

Follows part of the code to better understand how data enters the base, the part in question is in the if (fdm.Salvar)...

  if (zqrOrcItens.RecordCount = 0) then
    TFuncoes.pMensagem('Não existem itens na lista para editar');
  fdm.Salvar := False;
  fdm.RichStream := TStringStream.Create(zqrOrcItensTexto.AsAnsiString);

  f_richedit := Tf_richedit.Create(nil);
  fdm.RichStream.Position := 0;
  TFuncoes.pJustRichEdit(f_richedit.RichEdit, False);

  if (fdm.Salvar) then
    fdm.RichStream.Position := 0;
    zqrOrcItensTexto.AsString := fdm.RichStream.DataString;
    zqrOrcItenstexto_puro.AsString := fdm.TextoPuro;

Richstream is a Tstringstream variable that is inside a datamodule to be seen at various points in the application.

The idea is to create a variable of type Tstringstream to receive the contents of Richedit and convert in character acceptable by Postgresql

Important: This routine was done long ago with older versions of Delphi, Postgresql and Zeos and at the time was the only way that can insert Richedit’s content into the base and view in an understandable way.

  • part of the code used to send the contents of the TRichEdit to the bank.

  • If you put a breakpoint what you can read here: zqrOrcItensTexto.AsString := fdm.RichStream.DataString;?

  • Displays Richedit text with type formatting characters: {\rtf1 ansi deff0{ fonttbl{ F0 fnil fcharset0 Arial;}} viewkind4 uc1 Pard lang1046 fs20 test par } that is, it shows the correct content to be recorded, because it should actually have this format, but when it lands on the bench and I will look there are the characters of china, rsrs, is something between Zeos and Postgresql for what I see. I’m gonna try another version of Zeos to see, it’s gonna be some bug...

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