Overwrite native HTML scroll


Viewed 277 times


The javascript Alert event has an interesting effect, when it goes into activity, a modal appears, not hiding or disabling, but superimposing the native HTML scroll. How can we perform this same effect manually?

function myFunction() {
    alert("I am an alert box!");
		.sob-scroll {
			height: 1800px;
<div class="sob-scroll">
	<button onclick="myFunction()">Sobrepor scroll</button>

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    Actually, it doesn’t override the scroll. It’s just a browser dialog window that blocks access to the window while it’s not closed, just like any other application.

  • You can’t block the scroll, but you can prevent the scroll by disabling all the interactions the user may have with the page. You can do a btn that disables the mouse scroll, Touche and the keys that scroll.

  • @dvd I understand! Disable, remove already done this, for example in a simple modal, which occupies the entire screen, I disable the html scroll, and at the same time put a padding-right:16px; to compensate. There’s a delay, so I was wondering if it might be possible to override.

  • But it is not a very good practice to put padding to compensate, since the width of the scroll can suffer browser variations to browser.

3 answers


Why Alert 'locks' the scroll?

The boxes of alert(), confirm() and prompt() are in a layer outside the programming bubble of your website. It means that you have limited control over them. Who exercises all control is the browser you are using.

When a dialog box is displayed all the content of the site gets stuck. The scrollbar doesn’t work, just like a mouse click or any other algorithm running at that time. This happens because the execution of these methods in Javascript is synchronous, so the code will only be continued after a user action.

Take an example:

var intervalo = setInterval(function(){
}, 1000);

function travar() {
  alert("Este alert 'travou' todo o site! Veja que o console.log não exibe mais o 'Oi'.");
<a href="#" onclick="travar()">Clique aqui</a>

How to block the scroll?

On Soen has an answer on how you can disable the scroll of your website. In response, it captures the scrolling events of the mouse and touch devices and executes the preventDefault(), that cancels the current and subsequent action to the event.

See an outline:

function desativar() {
  var div = document.getElementById("conteudo");
  if (window.addEventListener) { // navegadores antigos
      window.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', preventDefault, false);
  div.onwheel = preventDefault;
  div.onmousewheel = document.onmousewheel = preventDefault; // navegadores antigos, IE
  div.ontouchmove  = preventDefault; // mobile

function preventDefault(e) {
  e = e || window.event;
  if (e.preventDefault)
  e.returnValue = false;
<div id="conteudo" style="overflow: overlay; width: 150px; height: 100px;">

<p><a href="#" onclick="desativar();">Desativar Scroll</a></p>

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    Blocking actions can cause a bad experience on the website/webapp, especially if they are interpreted as locking or slowing down. And Alerts can be blocked by the client in the browser by breaking this locking feature.

  • 1

    @Cleitonoliveira yes. The intention was not to encourage the use but to explain why there is the lock. Moreover a alert() blocked by the customer loses its functionality and still depends on a user action.

  • 1

    @bio vlw, I had already found several solutions, including here in the OS, to disable/hide the scroll. Then these days I remembered the Alert event, and I thought maybe it was possible to perform it manually, to apply in a modal/light box etc.


It is not possible. Alert blocks the content that is in the browser by creating another temporary window above, including the scroll or even the entire window if necessary. A modal will not be "above" the current window but inside it, implemented within the <body>.


It turns out in Alert, you’re not superimposing the scroll you’re taking the focus off the body’s scope. Although I don’t recommend it, you can assign an event behavior to the scroll event by "blocking" its functionality.

function desabilita() {      
   window.addEventListener('scroll', noscroll);

function habilita(){
   window.removeEventListener('scroll', noscroll);

function noscroll() {
  window.scrollTo( 0, 0 );
.sob-scroll {
  height: 1800px;
<div class="sob-scroll">
  <button onclick="desabilita()">Desabilita scroll</button>
  <button onclick="habilita()">Habilita scroll</button>

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