Transmission EFD Reinf - "failure to access the Electronic Power of Attorney System"


Viewed 1,029 times


After upgrading the xsd classes to version 1.3.02, I am trying to stream opening (R1000) and closing (R2099) events from EFD Reinf. I was correcting the errors as they appeared until I stopped in the following:

MS0020 - Failure to access the Power of Attorney System Electronics. Wait a few minutes and try again. (2478979111)

I couldn’t progress from there. The CNPJ in events is the root of the matrix, with eight digits, aligned to the right with zeros, that of manual queries and some forums was what I understood it should be. The certificate is an A1 that is registered in the E-CAC as attorney of the company that transmits the data.

The message seems to be an internal error of theirs, but as I have not seen anyone else talking about this particular error I imagine it is something in the filling. Follow xmls(hashs and signatures omitted for brevity).


<Reinf xmlns="">
    <evento id="ID1XXXXXXXXXXXXXX2018043013431200002">
        <Reinf xmlns="">
            <evtInfoContri id="ID1XXXXXXXXXXXXXX2018043013431200000">
                                <email>[email protected]</email>
            <Signature xmlns="">
                    <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" />
                    <SignatureMethod Algorithm="" />
                    <Reference URI="#ID1XXXXXXXXXXXXXX2018043013431200000">
                            <Transform Algorithm="" />
                            <Transform Algorithm="" />
                        <DigestMethod Algorithm="" />
    <evento id="ID1XXXXXXXXXXXXXX2018043013431200003">
        <Reinf xmlns="">
            <evtFechaEvPer id="ID1XXXXXXXXXXXXXX2018043013431200001">
                    <email>[email protected]</email>
            <Signature xmlns="">
                    <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" />
                    <SignatureMethod Algorithm="" />
                    <Reference URI="#ID1XXXXXXXXXXXXXX2018043013431200001">
                            <Transform Algorithm="" />
                            <Transform Algorithm="" />
                        <DigestMethod Algorithm="" />


<ReceberLoteEventosResponse xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
        <Reinf xmlns="">
            <retornoLoteEventos id="IDB5853EC5FA5EE568D41CBEC09DD254E0">
                    <evento id="ID1XXXXXXXXXXXXXX2018043013431200002">
                        <Reinf xmlns="">
                            <evtTotal id="ID1525755225">
                                    <perApur />
                                            <localErroAviso />
                                            <dscResp>Ocorreu uma falha no acesso ao Sistema de Procuração Eletrônica. Aguarde alguns minutos e tente novamente. (2478979111)</dscResp>
                                <infoTotal />
                            <Signature xmlns="">
                                    <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" />
                                    <SignatureMethod Algorithm="" />
                                    <Reference URI="#ID1525755225">
                                            <Transform Algorithm="" />
                                            <Transform Algorithm="" />
                                        <DigestMethod Algorithm="" />
                    <evento id="ID1XXXXXXXXXXXXXX2018043013431200003">
                        <Reinf xmlns="">
                            <evtTotal id="ID1526439992">
                                            <localErroAviso />
                                            <dscResp>Ocorreu uma falha no acesso ao Sistema de Procuração Eletrônica. Aguarde alguns minutos e tente novamente. (2478979111)</dscResp>
                                <infoTotal />
                            <Signature xmlns="">
                                    <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" />
                                    <SignatureMethod Algorithm="" />
                                    <Reference URI="#ID1526439992">
                                            <Transform Algorithm="" />
                                            <Transform Algorithm="" />
                                        <DigestMethod Algorithm="" />

If anyone has any ideas, I’d really appreciate it!

  • The message seems to be an internal instability of the connection with the electronic power of attorney system. Can’t you test with another contributor who has the digital certificate to take the test? If the error is only in the use of the power of attorney, send a message on Contact Us:

  • Anyway, I wouldn’t advise sending the R-1000 and R-2099 together, as there is no control over the processing order, and so the R-2099 can be processed before the R-1000, that is, before there even is the taxpayer. So send the R-1000, get the answer, if it’s positive, send the R-2099.

  • I will try to transmit as another CNPJ and return. The R1000 and the R2099 were together for testing reasons as well, but good to know. Do you know if, within an event there is a guarantee that the information and therefore the errors are processed in order?

  • @Pedrogaspar I tested with another contributor and the mistake was really.

  • Yes, the event is processed all at once. But this other contributor you tested you have the digital certificate or is it power of attorney as well? It has to be one that you have access to the digital certificate directly, without being power of attorney.

  • It is one that I have direct access to the certificate. EDIT: and the error remains the same, even if it does not require power of attorney.

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1 answer


The problem is in the tag tpInsc, filled as <tpInsc>2</tpInsc>, relating to completion for a natural person, rather than <tpInsc>1</tpInsc> for legal person. Changing this the problem has been solved.

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