Which file in the wordpress theme that arrow the language to be used?


Viewed 31 times


I created a . pot and . mo with a translation of a theme into Brazilian Portuguese, so this update is not being applied, it still carries the strings in the original language. Does anyone know which file is responsible for setting/setting the language file that will be used? I searched the Internet but I couldn’t find the answer I’m looking for!

  • If your theme is well configured only the settings in the admin panel should make this change automatically.

  • @Atilasilva I think this is not happening dude, so I wanted to manually set

1 answer


Save it, Wpfan! All right?

Dude, I usually do the translations using a. mo and a . po file, generated by Poedit (I usually edit the . po file in hand, import it into poedit and export the . mo generated and put into the theme translation folder). The files go to wp-content/languages/themes and I use the nomenclature as nomedotema-en_US.po and nomedotema-en_US.mo, where en_US is the language code.

  • tbm do more or less that, I even have the premium version of Poedit, which I also use for my Asp net mvc applications. But, I discovered the cause of the problem, there was another file generated by the enabled template, I just had to disable it, hence my . mo and . po worked correctly. No thanks more!

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