Send email and record record automatically in BD (called)


Viewed 39 times


I have the following need. I am creating a system of calls to a client in PHP, and everything will be registered in the Mysql database and for each response, an email will be sent (via Phpmailer, for example).

I need this message to be logged into the database as well. However, I have no idea how to proceed or what to look for.

I know such a feature exists because I have answered some calls with this feature. But I do not know how it is done.

Does anyone have any light from where to start?

  • this can help you

  • @Leocaracciolo I don’t know if it was me who didn’t find it, or if it really doesn’t have about it on the link you passed. What he wants I believe is to capture a content from an email and register in the comic. In fact it has a very important detail I believe, that it is an e-mail box for use of the system, so every email answered, must have a copy for the "server email" and this box it reads, filters, and records. Would that be !?

  • Maykei, in the title "Send email and record record automatically in the BD" gives to understand that you want to answer the call and send e-mail of that (if you answer the call, is already recording in the bank probably). In this section, "I need that, when replying to this sent email, that message be recorded in the database as well." , it is understood that you want the system to "read" the email response, and record this in the BD. Explain better which of these would be your case.

  • @RBZ I need the system to read the email response and record it in the BD, that’s right! However, I don’t know how to proceed, since I’ve never done anything like this (reading the content of an email via PHP).

  • @Leocaracciolo actually the link you sent is from an email sent via PHP. That’s not what I need. I kind of need the reverse process. PHP captures emails sent to a certain box, for example ([email protected]), and through an ID in the title, insert the content of the email into my database, to keep you updated of any interaction, either via email or via system!

  • 1

    @Maykelesser I know a system that does this (Movidesk), although the interface is horrible, it caught my attention this function. Take a look at this LINK . You might have some library for that. That would be a hand on the wheel.

  • @RBZ think we have a starting point yes! It’s up to me! Thank you very much! This IMAP function will be very useful!

  • Yes, the evil is to read only the title of the question, Sorry!!

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