Problems with slideDown in jQuery


Viewed 145 times


I’m having a problem that I have no idea what it might be, I understand very little of jQuery, in removing I managed to do the animation of .slideUp() but in adding that is a .append() I can’t make it work I tried several ways and it won’t, follows below the link with the codes.

1 answer


The new element should come hidden so the slideDown can show it, add display:none online or in the class of the new element:

    //when the Add Filed button is clicked
    $(".adicionarCampo").click(function () {
        //Append a new row of code to the "#items" div
        $(".lista").append('<div class="nomes" style="display:none"><input class="input-adicional" id="nome" name="nome[]" placeholder="Nome completo" type="text" /><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="delete"></a></div>');
        $("body").animate({scrollTop: $("body").prop("scrollHeight")}, 500);

    $("body").on("click", ".delete", function () {
        $(this).parent("div").slideUp("fast", function() {
  • Thank you very much Jader gave it right, hug.

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