Finding Unknown Heroes in Stack Overflow using Data Explorer


Viewed 266 times


I know there’s no Unknown Hero here at SOPT, but I know there are several at SOEN. My intention is to sort the percentage of responses accepted without votes of the people who hold this medal. And so I tried to create an SQL for the Data Explorer. But I don’t know SQL and I just tried to put together several examples and try to see if I could.

The query I tried (I think it’s the closest I got):

    Id as [User Link],
    count(a.Id) as [Respostas Aceitas],
    sum(CASE WHEN a.Score = 0 then 1 else 0 end)*1000 / count(a.Id) / 10.0 as [Porcentagem]
    inner join
    Posts q
    inner join
    Posts a
    on a.Id = q.AcceptedAnswerId and q.AcceptedAnswerId = Users.UserID
      a.CommunityOwnedDate is null
      and a.postTypeId = 2
order by Porcentagem

Error message:

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'select'. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Where'.

  • What is the result of the query? You can put a link to your test in the DE?

  • @Brasofilo, I have no way to put the link, because I could not log there with facebook and also think that it does not save a query mistakenly.

  • I’ve adjusted the syntax of your query, but there’s a Join I don’t understand. p.: (q.AcceptedAnswerId = Users.UserID). Here is the link: Some things are still missing.

  • 1

    Do you simply want who has the medal? If it is, it has a table Badges, just look at her.

  • Friend, which database?

  • @bfavaretto explained better in that comment

  • 2

    Okay, I edited the question by adding that information. Always prefer to edit the question to add information in comments, because nothing guarantees that an obsessive-compulsive moderator arrives and clears all comments of the question (don’t look at me...) :)

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1 answer


As @bfavaretto suggested, if your intention was just to return users who have this medal, just look directly at the Badges table:

select u.DisplayName from Users u
    inner join Badges b on u.Id = b.UserId
    where b.Name like 'Unsung Hero'

The names of the medals are not translated into the bank - hence the use of the original name ("Unsung Hero"). To see which would be the possible candidates for this medal (that is, with at least 10 answers accepted), ordered by the percentage, the query below should work:

select  TOP 100 
        a.OwnerUserId as UserId,
        sum(case when a.Score = 0 then 0 else 1 end) as [Respostas Com Votos],  
        sum(case when a.Score = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as [Respostas Sem Votos],
        sum(CASE WHEN a.Score = 0 then 1 else 0 end)*1000 / count(a.Id) / 10.0 as [Percentual de Sem Votos]
        Posts q
      inner join
        Posts a
      on a.Id = q.AcceptedAnswerId
          a.CommunityOwnedDate is null
      and a.OwnerUserId != q.OwnerUserId
      and a.postTypeId = 2      
    group by a.OwnerUserId
    having count(a.Id) >= 10
    order by 4 desc
  • My intention is to order the percentage of responses accepted without votes of the people who hold this medal. I apologize if it was unclear in the question.

  • I edited the answer, including a query that should work for your purposes :)

  • 2

    Just one comment (Nah go, it’s mermo). Both queries took TOO long to perform. Either the structure should be quite lame (which I doubt) or the amount of records should be massive.

  • I put a limit of TOP 100 just to not take long taaanto the Soen.

  • 3

    @Brunoaugusto or, being an open service, the priority of execution of queries should be extremely low.

  • True. I wanted to know how this kind of priority is made, but leave it to another time

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