Configure cPanel on server


Viewed 537 times


I hired a clound server with Centos and Cpanel and an IP cPanel is already installed. However, I need to configure it. This is my first server so I never made such a configuration. I’m having a hard time because I don’t know how to point my domain to the server. in cPanel installation in step 2 in Hostname I put: in Resolvers I put the google Primary standards: Secundary: in nameserver Omains: in Add a Entries put the server ip in front of the nameserver the rest I used all standard.

Dae comes to doubt how to point to the server?

2 answers


You need to create the and records in the WHM >> DNS functions >> Add to Dns Zone and then change the DNS of the domain to and


You need to go where your domain is registered and change its Dnss to the hosting Dnss. It’s not in Cpanel, it’s where you bought the domain.

  • Ola marta. Thanks for answering. Hosting in this case is the server I hired. how to configure his DNS?

  • Sorry, I still don’t understand the question. Whenever you hire a hosting or a server, it gives you a DNS, even if it is resale. This is no longer set by default? It’s the IP, isn’t it? The address where the URL fetches the hosting. So you have to go to where you registered the domain and enter that address. I don’t know if it’s something you can define or change. (or I’m talking nonsense?)

  • because marta... is always like this. when we hire a lodging or a resale... these services no longer meet my application. I hired this cloud from UOL but I was angry until the moment... bad support is 50 minutes playing the music and when you answer the phone, the call falls. It’s not easy to talk to you.

  • @Marcelomartins, are you sure that along with UOL’s VPS comes with DNS service? You wouldn’t have to hire one using some TLD provider. br (registry br or redehost or any other)? In the matter of VPS, recommend solutions better known as Amazon AWS or Digital Ocean or Linode, etc...

  • Ah, and using a DNS provider, you need to create a record of type ADDRESS from your domain to the public external IP provided by UOL. And in general these changes take a while to propagate (12, 24 or 48 hours).

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