How do I create an installation menu with check box?


Viewed 43 times


I am creating an installation menu with Checkbox, in this menu will have software for installation in each Checkbox, after selecting the Checkbox, will have a button that will run all the checkbox selected. Each Checkbox will perform the installation of a software, but all selected run at once, how do I get it to do one installation at a time? My code:

if (CheckBox2.Checked)
    Process.Start(@"\Index\Menu de Instalacao\Softwares\Utilitarios\PROGRAMA1.EXE");

if (CheckBox3.Checked)
    Process.Start(@"\Index\Menu de Instalacao\Softwares\");
  • Reformulated the question and in more detail. Thank you

1 answer


The following method takes the path from an executable, calls the executable and waits until it closes.

public void AguardarAteEncerrar(string caminhoExecutavel)
    var processo = new Process
        StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo 
            FileName = caminhoExecutavel


You’d wear it like this:

if (CheckBox2.Checked)
    AguardarAteEncerrar(@"\Index\Menu de Instalacao\Softwares\Utilitarios\PROGRAMA1.EXE");

Keep in mind that this will hold the thread, so avoid using it on the same thread in the GUI. I suggest you use a Backgroundworker in this case.

  • 1

    It was all I needed, very grateful Gabriel. It worked perfectly.

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